Subjects Take Route 160 in Protest Oversight of Trucks Linked to Wood Theft | National

A group of protesters took Route 160 in support of two people who were arrested after being surprised with stolen wood on Route 160, near Arauco, in the Bío Bío region. Information from BioBioChile shows that the seized trucks came from a sector where there is evidence of more transport along with piles of wooden logs.

A group of demonstrators blocked Route 160 in support of two people who were detained by Carabineros, after being caught transporting stolen wood on the highway, near the commune of Arauco, in the Bio bio region.

Public Order Control personnel had to go to clear the road, after the protesters installed barricades and cut off traffic, on Tuesday afternoon.

They surprise two people with stolen wood

Carabinieri They were alerted about a truck that was traveling without a license plate on Route 160, at the height of Horcones in the commune of Arauco.

In response to the call, the police personnel went to the highway and carried out a check on the heavy-duty vehicles, noting that the logs they were carrying were of dubious origin and also they did not have the license to drive this type of mobile.

The Carabineros de Arauco commander, Óscar Sandoval, provided details of the procedure, noting that both were made available to the local prosecutor’s office.

Due to this fact, a group of people, who, according to information from Radio Bío Bío, defended the actions of the detainees, decided to take Route 160 at the height of Horcones for more than an hour. What is evidenced in the following images:

video captures

The situation forced the intervention of law enforcement personnel.

According to information collected by BioBioChile, the trucks that were seized on Monday morning came from this place (see image).

The photograph shows more transport and a large quantity of wood, which, without a doubt, raises suspicions about the illegal trade of this material in the area.

Wood traffickers take Route 160 in Arauco in protest because they are not allowed to steal

Timber theft condemned

For her part, the presidential delegate, Daniela Dresdner, who was in the commune of Arauco, condemned this type of demonstration.

The manager of the Chilean Wood Corporation for the Bío Bío and Ñuble regions, Fernando Illanes, valued the actions of the Carabineros to put an end to the crime of wood theft.

“We appreciate and value the efforts that the Carabineros are making to investigate and arrest these criminal gangs, the mafias that are dedicated to the theft of wooda crime that affects our neighbors and coexistence in the territory, as well as the workers and entrepreneurs who are legitimately engaged in business,” he said.

Let us remember that the theft of wood is one of the crimes that is installed in the province of Arauco and that the previous administration accused that it was used to finance illegal activities related to violent actions that occurred in the area.

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