Sudan.. Destructive health and environmental effects extinguish the luster of gold

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but sick "p" Not surprisingly for her relatives, rates of disease have remained cancer Remarkably increasing among the population of villages and cities near mining areas In which heavy and random – sometimes – very dangerous substances such as mercury and cyanide are used.

Estimated reports The actual production of gold in Sudan more than 100 tons per year; However, more than 60 percent of it is traded outside the official marketing and banking channels, which loses the economy billions of dollars annually, but the damage does not stop there. The greatest danger is the serious environmental consequences and impacts that affect about 15 percent of the population of about 40 one million population.

Many miscarriages, neurological diseases, kidney and respiratory diseases, and fatal poisoning cases were recorded in mining areas due to the leakage of residues contaminated with mercury and cyanide and mixing with drinking water.

Although there are confirmed statistics, independent data indicate that between 12 and 16 thousand Sudanese develop cancer annually; 8 percent of them are children. Most of the infections are concentrated in areas close to mining sites in the north, east and west of the country.

The National Committee for Environmental Advocacy has warned of major dangers threatening miner’s life And citizens alike, due to the bad use of internationally prohibited mercury and cyanide without scientific precautions, or studying the environmental impact of mining sites and surrounding residential areas.

In this context; Tariq Mirghani, an engineer who has worked in a number of mining areas, confirms that the excessive use of cyanide and mercury, in addition to rock blasting materials, has caused a significant change in the geography and nature of mining areas in the east, north and west of the country and completely destroyed the vegetation cover.

Mirghani told Sky News Arabia that, in addition to the serious health damage it causes to people in those areas; The destructive effects of the environment are getting more and more serious; He pointed out that the biggest problem lies in the lack of supervision, the increase in smuggling rates and the entry of large quantities of materials without going through the regulatory or official channels.

Mirghani explains that gold mining areas are experiencing rapid environmental changes, which poses a great danger to people’s lives and the natural resources available in those areas.

About 350 local and foreign companies operate, but many of them do not adhere to health and environmental standards, as they resort to unethical methods and practices far from internationally agreed health and environmental standards and foundations. Especially with regard to the use of mercury and cyanide.

Imran Fadl Othman, a professor at the Faculty of Science at the University of Khartoum, points out that there is a real problem that lies in the way miners deal with mercury and cyanide, as there is insufficient control over these highly dangerous substances for human health and the environment.

Fadl stresses the need to put the human being first when dealing with a complex and intertwined issue of operations, such as the issue of gold mining, despite its great economic benefits and providing a good source of income for many people, but the health and environmental disasters that it causes are greater in size and impact than its economic benefits. .

In order to find an appropriate approach to benefit from gold mining activities to enhance economic performance and at the same time pay attention to avoiding negative health and environmental impacts, Fadl calls for the necessity of applying the necessary controls, foundations and standards in a very strict manner.

Nada Othman Youssef, an oncologist and former director of the National Cancer Institute, stresses that the indiscriminate use of mercury and cyanide causes many serious cancers, and increases the rates of miscarriage and fetal mutilation.

Osman says to the site "Sky News Arabia" The emissions of these substances cause rapid and dangerous air pollution, which increases the possibility of its widespread spread; And thus leads to increased health effects and consequences.

Although most of the infected people live in areas very rich in gold, the paradox is that about 90 percent of them live in extreme poverty and their areas lack the most basic necessities of life, which makes it necessary to transfer them to follow up treatment in the few specialized centers stationed in the capital, Khartoum and the city of Madani Valley.

In this context; Mohammed Al-Amin, director of the organization, explains "We all value" Specialized in providing aid to cancer patients, it was this suffering that prompted them to launch the organization, which aimed to help patients coming from remote areas by establishing two rest areas to house the injured and their families during treatment.

While Al-Amin confirms to Sky News Ariya that there is a great societal interaction with their initiatives; However, the interruption of doses at times and the problems faced by most specialized hospitals are all factors that increase the suffering of patients.


But the disease “R” was not surprising for her relatives, the rates of infection with the disease remained cancer Remarkably increasing among the population of villages and cities near mining areas In which heavy and random – sometimes – very dangerous substances such as mercury and cyanide are used.

Estimated reports The actual production of gold in Sudan more than 100 tons per year; However, more than 60 percent of it is traded outside the official marketing and banking channels, which loses the economy billions of dollars annually, but the damage does not stop there. The greatest danger is the serious environmental consequences and impacts that affect about 15 percent of the population of about 40 one million population.

Many miscarriages, neurological diseases, kidney and respiratory diseases, and fatal poisoning cases were recorded in mining areas due to the leakage of residues contaminated with mercury and cyanide and mixing with drinking water.

Although there are confirmed statistics, independent data indicate that between 12 and 16 thousand Sudanese develop cancer annually; 8 percent of them are children. Most of the infections are concentrated in areas close to mining sites in the north, east and west of the country.

The National Committee for Environmental Advocacy has warned of major dangers threatening miner’s life And citizens alike, due to the bad use of internationally prohibited mercury and cyanide without scientific precautions, or studying the environmental impact of mining sites and surrounding residential areas.

In this context; Tariq Mirghani, an engineer who has worked in a number of mining areas, confirms that the excessive use of cyanide and mercury, in addition to rock blasting materials, has caused a significant change in the geography and nature of mining areas in the east, north and west of the country and completely destroyed the vegetation cover.

Mirghani told Sky News Arabia that, in addition to the serious health damage it causes to people in those areas; The destructive effects of the environment are getting more and more serious; He pointed out that the biggest problem lies in the lack of supervision, the increase in smuggling rates and the entry of large quantities of materials without going through the regulatory or official channels.

Mirghani explains that gold mining areas are experiencing rapid environmental changes, which poses a great danger to people’s lives and the natural resources available in those areas.

About 350 local and foreign companies operate, but many of them do not adhere to health and environmental standards, as they resort to unethical methods and practices far from internationally agreed health and environmental standards and foundations. Especially with regard to the use of mercury and cyanide.

Imran Fadl Othman, a professor at the Faculty of Science at the University of Khartoum, points out that there is a real problem that lies in the way miners deal with mercury and cyanide, as there is insufficient control over these highly dangerous substances for human health and the environment.

Fadl stresses the need to put the human being first when dealing with a complex and intertwined issue of operations, such as the issue of gold mining, despite its great economic benefits and providing a good source of income for many people, but the health and environmental disasters that it causes are greater in size and impact than its economic benefits. .

In order to find an appropriate approach to benefit from gold mining activities to enhance economic performance and at the same time pay attention to avoiding negative health and environmental impacts, Fadl calls for the necessity of applying the necessary controls, foundations and standards in a very strict manner.

Nada Othman Youssef, an oncologist and former director of the National Cancer Institute, stresses that the indiscriminate use of mercury and cyanide causes many serious cancers, and increases the rates of miscarriage and fetal mutilation.

Othman told “Sky News Arabia” that the emissions of these substances cause rapid and dangerous air pollution, which increases the possibilities of its widespread spread. And thus leads to increased health effects and consequences.

Although most of the infected people live in areas very rich in gold, the paradox is that about 90 percent of them live in extreme poverty and their areas lack the most basic necessities of life, which makes it necessary to transfer them to follow up treatment in the few specialized centers stationed in the capital, Khartoum and the city of Madani Valley.

In this context; Muhammad Al-Amin, director of the “We are All Values” organization, which specializes in providing aid to cancer patients, explains that this suffering is what prompted them to launch the organization, which aimed to help patients coming from remote areas by establishing two rest areas to house the injured and their families during treatment.

While Al-Amin confirms to Sky News Ariya that there is a great societal interaction with their initiatives; However, the interruption of doses at times and the problems faced by most specialized hospitals are all factors that increase the suffering of patients.

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