Summer and children’s diseases.. Symptoms and prevention methods

With the approach of summer, some diseases spread among children, as the summer period (from March to May) and the period between summer and the rainy season (June – July) is the season in which most children get sick.

Thanks to the mercury rise, some diseases thrive. Because the weather is perfect for pathogens to thrive and spread, parents should be vigilant for children who complain of eye inflammation, itchy skin or sores on the skin.

It is best to visit your pediatrician to check if all vaccinations are in order and if there are any additional precautions one should take, here are some common diseases That children and parents should pay attention to and some tips to stay healthy during the summer season, according to the website ” kidshealth.


This is the time of year when pollen is floating in the air. Heat and humidity make the situation worse for kids with allergies. Watch out for symptoms like fatigue, wheezing, wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Air can trap pollutants such as dust and mold in the airways. To prevent or exacerbate asthma attacks, your child’s doctor should check for any illness that makes it difficult for him to breathe. Do not let anyone smoke when he is near the child, and keep the home free of dust and dust mites, as well as free of any pests and allergens..

chicken pox:

Chickenpox causes spots (skin rash), fever and headache and can make the child feel generally unwell. Treatment aims to relieve symptoms until the disease is gone. This viral infection usually affects children, which is why the first dose of varicella vaccine should be given to children aged Between 12 and 15 months and the second dose From 4 to 6 years of age The people who need more attention are people with weakened immunity Since chickenpox can be transmitted through direct contact with the rash or inhalation of air droplets, they should Patients avoid going to public places to prevent the spread of infection.

Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye):

Pink eye is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction, or – in children – an incompletely opened tear duct. It is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball, although The presence of redness, discharge, irritation, conjunctivitis rarely affects vision, since it can be contagious, early diagnosis and treatment can help limit its spread. Teach the child to wash his hands well and frequently.


Although influenza viruses also circulate in cold weather, they still cause summer influenza, with weather changes, such as sudden heavy rain or the body not adapting to sudden changes in temperature (hot outdoors to cool indoor environments and vice versa), To make the person vulnerable to respiratory diseases such as coughs and colds, continue with the same frequent hand washing steps and avoid closed and poorly ventilated places, influenza vaccinations recommended by the doctor should be taken for the benefit of the child’s health, influenza can cause fever, muscle aches, headaches, bed rest, Antiviral drugs.

food poisoning:

Take care when dining out. Foodborne illnesses are twice as common during the summer season than in other months of the year because food spoils easily thanks to bacteria that thrive in warm weather conditions. The diarrhea and vomiting that follow eating unhealthy and contaminated food can lead to dehydration. , and possibly complications for people with chronic health conditions, even at home, it is advised to avoid eating perishable foods 1-2 hours after leaving them outside the refrigerator or as soon as mold or unpleasant smell of food appears.

Heat or heat stroke:

Children like to play in open playgrounds and this setting also exposes them to extreme heat Hyperthermia is a condition in which the body temperature becomes abnormally high, indicating that heat from the environment cannot be regulated Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are medical emergencies that fall under High temperature, you should consult a doctor immediately, a child with a high temperature may complain of headache, dizziness, confusion, fainting, heavy sweating and convulsions, as a precaution, avoid allowing the child to play in the intense daylight hours. As evening approaches, you can let it go.


Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects the saliva-producing (salivary) glands near your ears. The ears, causing them to swell. This infection on one or both sides of the face may cause pain or difficulty chewing or swallowing. Mumps may also be accompanied by fever, headache, and muscle aches.

Since vaccines took root, mumps has become rare, but outbreaks of mumps generally affect unvaccinated people and occur in close contact settings such as schools or university campuses. People at risk of complications, such as an immunocompromised child, or a pregnant woman, should See a doctor who specializes in infectious diseases.


The rubeola virus that causes measles spreads much like chickenpox. A child may complain of symptoms such as a dry cough, high fever, runny nose and red eyes. Measles can also cause complications ranging from ear infections to pneumonia, including pregnancy problems in women. An affected mother may inadvertently harm the developing fetus. Ask your child’s doctor if your child’s vaccinations are okay.

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