Summer and Music Celebration: Performances at Belle Ville En Mer’s Appart Evenings on Saint-Nazaire’s Seafront

2023-06-16 05:11:47

Belle Ville En Mer invites all participants in its Appart evenings, past or future, to come and perform on its stage set up on the seafront to celebrate summer and music. In partnership with the Appart and the Maison de Quartier de Kerlédé.

Belle Ville en Mer ends its series of five evenings in style at the Appart, the emblematic café of Saint-Nazaire. The association decided for this popular festival, while remaining faithful to the intentions which made its success and its difference in the offer so rich proposed by the places of programming of Saint-Nazaire to renew. For this evening, which closes this year, Belle Ville en Mer has programmed the groups of teenagers who have marked its audience, the Class in Dallas but also Marthe, Cécile, Anne and Louann as well as Vandal! Group of 9 young people who offer a vitamin soul pop. For the adults, we find Erikel, who had literally set the Appart on fire on May 26, Thomas Krunic, who had presented his compositions to an audience always curious about new experiences, Sergei and Bob, respectively asylum seeker and volunteer from the EACH from Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, who had moved the public with their covers, but also artists like Holden Jules, Sound of swamps, Morgane Tigero, Régis Canselier. We will also find Chloë Virginia Thomas, who after sharing her poems during the evenings, will offer us to hear her sing.

Getting There

Address : Bara-k, 50, boulevard Albert-1er Saint-Nazaire

#Music #Festival #SaintNazaire

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