Supreme Court Handbook: Eliminating Sexist Language in Courts with New Expressions

2023-08-16 15:19:22

New Delhi: The Supreme Court has released a new handbook. The new handbook was prepared as a part of keeping sexist language out of the courts. In addition to words, a handbook has been released containing new expressions that can be used in courts instead of 40 idioms.

The handbook contains words/expressions to avoid and words/expressions to use instead. According to the handbook, words such as Abhisarika and Abhisarika should no longer be used in courts or in court documents. Abhisarika can be replaced by “a woman who has sex outside of marriage”. “extra-marital affair” should be used instead of adultery. Instead of saying ‘relationship’ it should have been correctly said “relationship outside of marriage”.

“Sexual varcha” is enough instead of “sexual varcha”. The word “prostitute” should be replaced by “sex worker”. Instead of saying ‘single mother’, just say ‘mother’. Instead of using illegitimate child, it should be used as `child of unmarried parents’. “Child victim of human trafficking” should be replaced by “child victim of human trafficking”.

Instead of dutiful wife, faithful wife, good wife, obedient wife, it is enough to use `wife’ from now on. ‘Housekeeper’ should be used instead of ‘Housekeeper’. In the handbook released by the Supreme Court, it is sufficient to use “Vanitha” instead of ‘Indian woman’ and ‘Western woman’.

Instead of saying rape by force, it is enough to say `rape’. Poovalaslyam should henceforth be called “sexual assault on the street”. Victims of sexual harassment can be described as “victims” or “survivors”. The Supreme Court has also clarified that the application should be decided according to the demands of the victims of torture. The new proposal is to use “mother” instead of “unmarried mother”.

#Supreme #Court #words #abhisarika #unlawful #prostitute #jarasantati #longer #needed #Download #handbook

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