Surfing: rules to respect and risks not to ignore – Featured

2024-08-09 11:11:15

August 9, 2024

With ever-increasing practice, sometimes sharp equipment, and a poor understanding of safety rules, surfing is attracting more and more enthusiasts, but it remains a sport that requires a high degree of caution. explain.

Sign ups for surfing lessons should be full after the French team’s huge success at the Olympic surfing competition. This board sport has many benefits: muscle strengthening, flexibility and balance training, a mentally healthy environment, and more.

The importance of precedence rules

But while surfing has many advantages, it can also be dangerous. According to the Seignosse town website, surfing accidents increase by 3 to 5 percent every summer on the Landes and Basque coasts. The main reason for the accident? Collisions, in particular, are associated with an increase in the number of surfers at surf spots. To avoid them, it’s important to understand Wave’s precedence rules. What does the French Surfing Federation say?

The “inside” surfer is the surfer closest to the edge of the wave or its breaking zone. He has priority. If someone is ahead of you, don’t ride the wave. When you get to the top, avoid the surf zone to avoid crossing the path of surfers. When you do the “duck” (pass under the wave with the board), don’t let go of your board.

Collision with his surfboard, collision with other surfers

According to a study conducted by the Basque Coast Emergency Service in the summer of 2006, 59% of accidents occurred when surfers collided with their own boards. “Open wounds are also common due to the drift of a surfboard and its sharp nose. To avoid these injuries, stay as far away from the board as possible when you fall. Also choose a board with a rounded nose,” The professional blog offers advice.

In July 2023, the Professional Surf Prevention Blog reported the death of 44-year-old surfing star Mikaela Jones. He bled to death after colliding with a surfboard in Indonesia, severing his femoral artery. “Fortunately, artery injuries are relatively rare, but they still happen often enough to take preventative measures. This new incident should encourage more research into the fragile parts of surfboards to reduce the trauma they cause. This blog advocates purchasing less sharp products.

According to the above study, collisions account for 17% of accidents: 66% between surfers, 27% between surfers and swimmers, and 5% between surfers. In 13% of cases, surfers were injured especially on the seabed, reefs or corals.

Half of all traumas affect the head, especially the face: eyebrows, lips, chin, forehead, eyelids, nose, etc.

For head trauma and wounds, wearing neoprene boots, suits and helmets can be very helpful.

risk of fracture

Sudden movements, falls, impacts with boards or the sea floor are also causes of orthopedic trauma. According to a US study published in 2019, such surfing-related injuries involve the shoulder (46%), knee (28%), foot or ankle (9%), spine (6%), elbow (6% ), rib fractures, muscle strains or lacerations account for 5% of injuries.

The ocean, an unpredictable element

The ocean is also a source of dangers, especially for inexperienced surfers: currents, especially currents, waves that are too large, extreme weather conditions, etc. Weather conditions and coefficients before practice, only surf waves that are suitable for your level and do not surf alone.

We also have to take into account the marine fauna: sea urchins, jellyfish, rays… When other animals bite, they also sting. Although shark attacks are extremely rare or even non-existent in mainland France, they can still happen. So, most recently, Hawaiian surfer Tamayo Perry died after a shark attack on June 23, 2024, in a location in Hawaii well known to experts.

Otolaryngology Pathology

Surfing is also a cause of otolaryngology disorders. Exostoses are also called surfer’s ear. It is a bony growth that forms in the external auditory canal and is associated with long-term exposure to cold water, humidity, and the sound of ocean waves. The progressive development of exostoses can lead to complications such as recurrent otitis externa and hearing impairment.


Written by: Dorothée Duchemin – Editor: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#Surfing #rules #respect #risks #ignore #Featured



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