Surveys, social peace and fiscal Ratazzi: the photos of the Milei pass with the red circle

2023-11-15 23:28:00

The red circle, beyond its ideological preferences, took advantage of the visit of Javier Miley to reveal a truth revealed by the surveys they have in their offices: The libertarian “is one step away” from being president. With this certainty, which must be confirmed at the polls next Sunday, a call for “democratic coexistence” began to prevent the worst fear that the business world has from being magnified, which is the social outbreak that could generate hyperinflation. from the State’s departure from exchange and price controls.

“Society is going to demonstrate for change and peace. Change of all the structural things that are wrong, so that it is an economically viable country; and social peace. Whoever reaches the Presidency will have that part of the responsibility, but whoever reaches the opposition will also have it,” stated the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC) and member of the Group of Six (G6), Mario Grinmanafter listening to Milei.

What will happen to the dollar if Sergio Massa or Javier Milei wins

The businessman avoided showing preferences for one of the two candidates who will fight at the polls in the second electoral round, but it served as an explanation, on an open microphone, of what many of his colleagues said off the record: “Milei wins and the main problem It is the social crisis that is going to exist in the streets. Because it is inevitable that measures will be taken, but they will be very costly for the people and if Peronism does not accompany, it could be very serious.”. That omen was told to PERFIL by a group of businessmen who followed, just a table away, Milei’s speech at a lunch organized by the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (Cicyp), in a Buenos Aires hotel.

Rattazzi will return to taxation

The business audience will have the same dish for lunch tomorrow, when they attend to listen to the official candidate, Sergio Massa. But the feeling that he left this Wednesday is one of tranquility due to the restraint in Milei’s speech and the certainty that the chainsaw plan “will not be able to be applied right away.”

“We all know that a candidate in a campaign says things that he will not be able to put into practice later”, said, with some relief, the owner of a factory, who was present among the 300 diners. What he did not confess is whether it is a desire or privileged information on the part of Milei or the libertarian’s closest environment.

Javier Milei presents his proposals before the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (CICyP)
Cristiano Rattazzi
Javier Milei presents his proposals before the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (CICyP)
Eduardo Elsztain

While a part of the business audience showed enthusiasm for a change of era in the recipes to be applied to solve the structural problems of the domestic economy, but preferred not to make explicit the ideological support for the libertarian, the businessman who did give the Face in favor of Milei was the former president of Fiat Argentina and current owner of the Módena Group, Cristiano Rattazziwho confirmed to PERFIL that Next Sunday he will once again be a table prosecutor, to take care of the libertarian votes.

In the private sector conclave were a handful of large business owners: Eduardo Eurnekian, head of Corporación América; Adrián Whertein, director and shareholder of the Whertein Group; Alejandro Bulgueronipresidente de Pan American Energy (PAE) Group; Eduardo Elsztain, president of IRSA and Banco Hipotecario; among others. There were also representatives from the construction, industry, commerce, finance, banking and rural sectors, enrolled in the G6.

Javier Milei presents his proposals before the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (CICyP)
Eduardo Eurnekian

Builders in their sights

“It is a lie that public works generate employment. What it does is take away resources from other sectors of the economy, when the State takes taxes from them to inflate construction.” That phrase from Milei made it clear that the businessmen enrolled in the Argentine Chamber of Construction were in the eye of the storm. “He has them knitted,” An industrialist resigned who will see his production affected by the drop in demand in the sector that uses iron and cement. All eyes fell on Gustavo Weiss, president of Camarco, who had one of his worst lunches.

It happens that the builders have overdue debts with the State and fear that everything will go to a loss, beyond the stoppage of the businesses they maintain with the governments. Although the tap will be closed at the national level, Provincial and municipal investments will also fall out of favor, because the fiscal adjustment will hit local public works first.

The president of Cicyp and vice president of the Argentine Rural Society (SRA), Marcos Pereda, He avoided being forceful, like the support he had given to Patricia Bullrich before the general elections, but he was very critical of the current economic situation: “The two competing models make us confront ourselves about whether we want this inflationary dynamic or monetary stability. If we continue down this decadent path or want to lay the foundations for a growth model. If we want to continue with this corrupt model or embrace the moral values ​​that made the country great. We also consider the type of democracy we want. We have liberal democracy and opposite the version where everything is worn.”


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