Susana Giménez’s painful farewell to Lino Patalano: “I can’t believe you left like that all of a sudden”

Like the rest of the entertainment world, Susana Gimenez Lino Patalano’s death left her in shock. She thus manifested it on her social networks, where she shared the pain that it caused her through a publication on her Twitter account. the surprise departure of the theatrical producer, who died yesterday at the age of 76, and fired his dear friend.

“Lino dear, I can’t believe that you left so suddenly, you were at the premiere of Punta del Este and you told me such nice things,” recalled the actress, who is starring in the play Piel de Judas in the room Enjoy. “I’m going to miss you a lot, especially our funny conversations, goodbye my friend,” completed the Telefe host.

In addition to Susana, most of the artists who knew or worked with the historic theater producer shared their pain, a photo or a farewell message. Nicolás Vázquez shared in his Instagram stories a video of the day that Patalano went to see him at the theater and the ovation he received from the public. “A different to all. Unique. May you rest in peace, Lino,” he wrote.

“How painful. How sad. Lino Patalano was the most theatrical being I met. It was the theater. It was life. It was vitality. I will always be grateful. A unique being. He was my mentor. I owe him everything. Thank you Lino”, wrote Ricky Pashkus.

“Lino Patalano passed away. A lover of great theater, of good living, of good talk. In the Argentine theater there are many enormous people, Lino was a primus inter pares. Huge hug, Lino!!! Marcos and Daniel are waiting for you” were the words chosen by Juan José Campanella. In his text, the filmmaker alluded to Marcos Mundstock and Daniel Rabinovich, two members of the group Les Luthiers, with whom Patalano had a great relationship.

It was the official account of the Comafi Multiteatro, owned by the producer and businessman Carlos Rottemberg, in charge of publicizing the news about Patalano’s departure. “The surprise death of Lino Patalano hits a painful blow for the artistic community. From this Theater House we will accompany his family, friends and colleagues in these sad hours, ”says the brief text published this Saturday at noon.

Interview with theater producer Lino Patalano in his theater, San Telmo.Alexander Guyot

As LA NACION learned, Patalano underwent a hip operation a week ago, from which he had been recovering favorably, until this Saturday morning he suffered a decompensation. His remains would be veiled in the Maipo, the emblematic theater that he directed for decades.

Until three years ago, Patalano was the owner of that theatrical house located on Esmeralda Street and producer of its greatest shows. Tireless, recently he was in charge of the disembarkation of Mauricio Dayub in Spain with the balancer, producer of the tour of that country by Ricardo Darín and Andrea Pietra, with Scenes from conjugal life, and of the shows by Dalia Gutmann and Sebastián Wainraich. In addition, he worked as artistic director of the Roxy-Radio City complex in Mar del Plata.

In his last interview, granted to LA NACION, the director and producer said that last year he had to lower his level of activity due to some health problems. Before his last surgery, he had already had two spinal surgeries, he had a titanium prosthesis on his shoulder, and a kidney had been removed. However, he was happy to have inaugurated the Cástor y Pólux space in the San Telmo neighborhood, an area that refers to the historic café concerts that he himself created in the 70s.

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