Symptoms your body shows when your vitamin D levels are low

Posted by Fatima Khalil

Friday, February 17, 2023 12:13 PM

Our body needs 10-20 mcg of Vitamin D From the sun every day, as our body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, according to the “Times of India” website, and vitamin D supports bone health and the immune system, among many other functions.

How do you know if you suffer from vitamin D deficiency?

Apart from blood tests, people believe that it is not possible to know whether a person has enough vitamin D in the body or not.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency..

Slow wound healing

Vitamin D supports the body’s ability to heal wounds, and its deficiency makes the process slower. Studies conducted on diabetics, for whom wound healing is a very slow process, adding vitamin D supplements speeds up the process.


Vitamin D affects the mental state of an individual, depression is one of the main side effects of low vitamin D in the body, and studies have found the effect of vitamin D on the mood of the elderly.

Fatigue and tiredness

What happens when the body lacks one of the most important vitamins? It is likely to have a negative effect on the energy level.

Fatigue as a health complication overlaps with many diseases. But in the case of vitamin D deficiency, it is mostly caused by headaches, lack of sleep, and persistent bone pain.

persistent back pain

Since it is directly related to bone health, the lack of it damages the bones, which causes pain to the individual. Vitamin D nourishes the bones by enhancing the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

The study found that people with arthritis, muscle aches, and persistent back pain had low levels of vitamin D.

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