Tae Young-ho, in the North Korean phishing mail impersonating the legislator’s office, “this type of deceit will not work”

Rep. Tae Young-ho holding a press conference on the ‘phishing email impersonating Congressman Tae Young-ho’s office’ [사진 제공:연합뉴스]

People’s Power Rep. Tae Young-ho criticized the North Korean hacker organization for mass distribution of so-called ‘phishing emails’ impersonating his office, saying, “This type of deceit will no longer work.”

Rep. Thae held a press conference at the National Assembly today and said, “The fact that the Kim Jong-un regime’s hacking organization impersonated my lawmaker’s office and distributed a large amount of phishing emails to domestic diplomacy and security experts was revealed through a police investigation.”

Rep. Tae said, “Through this incident, it has been proven once again that the Kim Jong-un regime is stalking my every move 24 hours a day.” claimed.

“I will not give in to the cheating and stalking of the Kim Jong-un regime, but I will risk my life and work more actively until the day of reunification,” he said.

Previously, the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency announced that it was confirmed that the e-mails sent by impersonating reporters for the Transition Committee in April, Secretary Tae Young-ho in May, and the National Diplomatic Academy in October were the work of a North Korean hacking organization known as ‘Suki Kim’.

Thae Young-ho, phishing email from North Korea pretending to be a lawmaker's office

[경찰청 제공]

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