Further indications of Epstein-Barr virus as a trigger – healing practice

Multiple sclerosis caused by Epstein-Barr virus? Scientific studies have provided evidence that the Epstein-Barr virus causes multiple sclerosis (MS) could be. New analyzes now confirm this suspicion. It is still unclear what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). One potential cause is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which most people carry without causing any problems. This suspicion has … Read more

Alzheimer’s Studies: Treat Before It’s Too Late

At a glance A matter of timing Years before Alzheimer’s symptoms develop, beta-amyloids accumulate in the brains of those affected. Many professionals believe that this starts a harmful cascade that leads to disease. The antibodies against amyloids that have been developed so far have turned out to be a disappointment. This may be because they … Read more

Study: Small children form the strongest antibodies against corona

Children are significantly less likely to get seriously ill with Covid-19 because their immune systems can usually adapt better to the corona virus. This is now also confirmed by a small study from Singapore. Doctors took blood samples while the children were still acutely infected and repeated this one to three times after infection. The … Read more

How the pathogen tricks the immune system – healing practice

Hepatitis E: How the virus outwits the immune system The HHepatitis-E-Virus (HEV) is distributed worldwide. In this country, the pathogen is repeatedly detected in pork products. So far there is no effective drug against it. Researchers are now reporting how the virus immune system austrickst. Malfunctioning virus particles could be a ruse to distract the … Read more

Corona: Experimental antibody switches off all virus variants, including omicron

Genetically engineering mice to make their immune systems human is not a new invention. But a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School has now created a special line of new effective antibodies against the Sars coronavirus 2 through a complex combination of human and mouse genes. As the team around Sai Luo, Jun Zhang … Read more

Also Omikron: Experimental antibody switches off all virus variants of Corona

Genetically engineering mice to make their immune system human is not a new invention. But a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School has now created a special line of new effective antibodies against the Sars coronavirus 2 through a complex combination of human and mouse genes. As the team around Sai Luo, Jun Zhang … Read more

Corona and Co.: Thuringian researchers are developing a quick test for 21 different antibodies

people react differently on the corona vaccination, not everyone has the same immune response. And weaker immune responses are associated with a higher risk of vaccine breakthrough. Therefore, the need for rapid antibody tests is increasing. Researchers from a private-public cooperation from Jena have now completed a new test platform. This platform can only determine … Read more

Corona: Each further reinfection increases the risk of Long Covid

At least since the emergence of the omicron wave, it has been clear: you can get corona despite vaccination, and quite often several times. But is this the normal course of events with a virus that affects the respiratory system and not a cause for concern because the infection is becoming more harmless as some … Read more