Beer can improve the microbiome in the gut – healing practice

Greater diversity of gut bacteria through lager Men who, as part of a recent study, daily one alcoholic or non-alcoholic lager drank could change the composition of their Darmflora to enhance. Compared to before the study, Darmmikrobiom one greater diversity of gut bacteria on. Die American Chemical Society reports on a pilot study demonstrating that … Read more

Intestinal bacteria for the healing of inflammatory bowel diseases – Heilpraxis

New approach to the therapy of chronic intestinal inflammation Inflammatory bowel diseases are usually accompanied by a series of changes in the gut, such as an altered one Composition of the intestinal flora (gut microbiome). health-promoting gut bacteria could, according to the current study, be used in a targeted manner to counteract these changes. researchers … Read more

How gut bacteria affect the brain and behavior – healing practice

Gut flora: How do gut bacteria communicate with the brain? Of the colon communicates via the so-called gut-brain axis with the Brain. This has already been proven in previous studies. How exactly this communication takes place, however, could not be traced in detail so far. An English research team has now identified gut bacteriathe the … Read more

Certain intestinal bacteria can reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs – Heilpraxis

What causes treatment-resistant hypertension? Particular gut bacteria according to a recent study, the Reduce the effectiveness of high blood pressure medications. This explains why high blood pressure may not be adequately lowered with drugs. In the study involving experts from University of Toledo was examined whether gut microbiota the antihypertensive drug Quinapril (ACE inhibitors) and … Read more