Traditional Malaysian Healing: Witness a Malaysian Doctor’s Unique Treatment Techniques

2023-06-12 14:12:01 Al-Marsad newspaper: Social media activists circulated a video clip of a Malaysian doctor during a treatment session for a citizen in the traditional Malaysian way in a designated treatment center. And it appeared in the clip, the citizen lying on his back, in front of the Malaysian doctor, and the latter makes therapeutic … Read more

Unlock the secret of longevity with taurine: Insights from family physician Dr. Ramy Youssef

2023-06-12 02:05:05 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Family physician Dr. Ramy Youssef revealed how to delay aging and prolong life, citing a study conducted by Columbia University in New York. Youssef indicated, through a video of his Tik Tok application, that the study says that there is a substance that decreases in the human body after reaching the … Read more

Uncovering the Causes of Cancer: Insights from Tafa’oul CEO Dr. Fouad Al-Jeghiman

2023-06-09 17:05:38 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Fouad Al-Jeghiman, CEO of the Anti-Cancer Association “Tafa’oul”, revealed the most important reasons for the high percentage of people with cancer in some regions in the Kingdom, and not others. Dr. Fouad said, during an intervention on the “My Lady” program: The spread of cancer in places and not others … Read more

The Health Benefits of Watermelon: Natural Viagra, Heart Protection, and More

2023-06-07 12:50:21 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Egyptian Dr. Gamal Shaaban, professor of cardiology, revealed the benefits of watermelon. He said, during a post he wrote on his account on the social networking site Facebook, that watermelon is a natural Viagra, and it prevents heart attacks and contains a high percentage of water, simple sugars, and potassium salt … Read more

Impersonator Arrested: Shocking Revelation of Fake Doctor Operating in Baghdad Hospital

2023-06-04 12:08:10 Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented the moment a car mechanic was arrested, impersonating a doctor in a famous hospital in central Baghdad. And the clip circulating in Iraq showed the impersonator wearing the doctors’ coat and working normally inside the hospital as an “internal doctor.” The clip sparked widespread discontent among the … Read more

Debunking Myths About Dates and Insulin – Insights from Dr. Ammar Al-Ammar

2023-06-04 05:28:48 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Ammar Al-Ammar commented on the question, “Does eating dates raise insulin?” Al-Ammar said, in a video clip: “Eating dates does not raise blood sugar for some who do not have insulin resistance.” He added: “Dates have a high sugar content and contain fibers to cut down the absorption of blood … Read more

The Fastest Way to Lose Excess Weight: Expert Reveals Liver-Focused Approach

2023-06-04 00:49:43 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Ammar Al-Ammar revealed the fastest way to lose excess weight. Al-Ammar said in a video clip: “I recommend creating a suitable atmosphere for the liver to control weight loss, because the body stores fat in the form of solid fat, and in order to lose it, it converts it into … Read more

“Mysterious Disappearance of Male Doctor John Forsyth and Fiancée: Latest Updates and News”

2023-05-31 09:11:13 Male doctor John Forsyth disappeared after sending text messages with his fiancée. (Picture / Reposted from Twitter) A male doctor in Missouri, USA, John Forsyth and his fiancée disappeared after sending text messages. After his family reported the incident, they found his car was abandoned in a park near the hospital, including his … Read more