How does the European ExoMars spacecraft plan to reach Mars without Russia?

Posted by Heba El-Sayed Monday, March 20, 2023 05:00 AM is cancelled space missions For many reasons, from engineering problems to budget issues, but the ExoMars mission, the joint plan between Europe and Russia to send a Mars rover, ran into a complex political problem when Russia invaded Ukraine last year. The European Space Agency … Read more

Coincidence leads to solving the mystery of the “red lines” on Jupiter’s moon

A team of researchers discovered a new type of rock salt, which may contribute to solving the mystery of the “red lines” on Jupiter’s moon known as “Europe”, which was discovered by the great scientist Galileo Galilei in the seventeenth century, and it has a group of amazing properties that are not known about. Scientists … Read more

An asteroid the size of a truck passed close to Earth

An asteroid the size of a truck passed near Earth Thursday without causing any damage, according to what the US space agency announced [ناسا]. There was no need to launch a space mission aimed at detonating the asteroid or diverting its path through missiles, as appears in Hollywood films, as the BU-2023 asteroid passed by … Read more

An asteroid “sneaks” in a picture of the “Hubble” telescope

The main purpose of the galaxy image is to fill in the gaps in Hubble’s observations of known galaxies located near our Milky Way. Dwarf galaxy UGC 7983 (file photo) A small asteroid appeared in the vicinity of dwarf galaxy UGC 7983 when it was photographed by Hubble Space Telescope. UGC 7983 is a small … Read more

European mission to Jupiter will begin its almost eight-year journey through space in 2023

The launch window is scheduled for next April and the probe will reach Jupiter in July 2031. Just like 2022, 2023 will be a key year for space exploration. One of the important quotes is the launch of the European mission JuiceThat will study Jupiter and its three large icy moons, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europawhich … Read more

An illustrated scene depicting Mars’ moon Deimos obscuring Jupiter and its four Galilean moons in a captivating eclipse

Outside our blue skies, our solar system does its best at every hour of the day, all year round. And sometimes – if we’re in the right place at the right time – we can see these picturesque events from a new perspective. More recently, it was the Mars Express probe. [Mars Express]The European Space … Read more

Space: Neptune’s rings captured by the James Webb telescope

When the words ring and space are associated, one immediately thinks of Saturn. But another planet in our solar system is also surrounded by several coronas. Unpublished images of the planet Neptune and its rings have thus been captured by the James Webb space telescope. These photos also provide valuable information on its atmosphere. has … Read more

The road to “Venus”… and the search for life on the “burning” planet

Scientists are investigating the possibility of life on Earth Venusin conjunction with the preparation of a series of missions space explorationWhich is scheduled to launch next year 2023. And Venus Or as the “scorching” planet is called, one of Earth’s closest neighbors, known for its inhospitable environment, sulfur clouds, and hot volcanic surface where the … Read more