Patras International Festival: On Wednesday, July 31, the concert – a tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis – 2024-07-26 21:09:56

The Patras International Festival organizes a special tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis, the performer of the great moments of the course of Greek song during the 20th century, the creator of great and thousands-sung folk songs, the favorite of great composers. The concert will take place on Wednesday 31 July at 9.30 pm at the Pamploponnisio … Read more

The 26th Folk Dance Festival is coming, Souli, Patras from July 25 to 28 – 2024-07-25 00:21:09

“Groups of people from every corner of Greece started for the “village celebration”… common point, the dance, the song, the music and the customs that each place “carried” with its own special meaning”. The 26th Folk Dance Festival based on the above has laid a solid foundation by presenting this year again with a four-day … Read more

“Aias” by Sophocles on Thursday July 18 at the International Festival – 2024-07-20 20:38:57

The International Festival of Patras will be at 9.30 on Thursday 18 July one of the most important stops in this year’s tour of the show “Aias” by Sophocles, which is staged at the Municipal Summer Theater directed by Giorgos Nanouris, with Michalis Sarantis and Apostolos Handzaras. Michalis Sarantis shockingly interprets all nine roles of … Read more

Patras International Festival: “Choose your death my love” on July 23 – 2024-07-20 06:54:55

Robert Thoma’s masterpiece “Choose your death my love”, the play which with its plot turns everything upside down and takes your breath away until the last second, is presented to the theater-loving public of Patras on Tuesday 23 July at 9.30 pm on the stage of the Municipal Summer Theater for the International Festival. The … Read more

Tribute to paternal rebbe Babi Gole at the Patras International Festival – 2024-07-19 12:05:36

The two-day tribute of the International Festival to the two rebetes of Patras Babi Gole and Kostas Tsiata, ends at 9.30 pm on Saturday 20 July at the Old Slaughterhouses with the concert for Babi Gole. The tribute features a six-member band made up of Giorgos Griziotis – three-string bouzouki, vocals, Spyros Delegos – guitar, … Read more

Patras International Festival: Concert – tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis – 2024-07-19 03:22:57

The Patras International Festival’s series of tributes to the great Greek performers continues on Wednesday, July 31 at 9:30 pm at the Pamploponnisian stadium, with the concert for Grigoris Bithikotsis. The International Festival is making a special tribute to the performer of the great moments of the course of Greek song during the 20th century, … Read more

Patras International Festival: “Hamlet” filled the Municipal Summer Theater PHOTOS – 2024-07-17 05:18:25

The Municipal Summer Theater of Patras on the evening of Monday July 15 proved to be “small” to accommodate the hundreds of theater lovers who packed it to watch “Hamlet”, William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, directed by Themis Moumoulidis, the which was hosted by the Patras International Festival. Guided by the magnificent translation of Giorgos Heimonas, the … Read more