UN on Gaza: Concerns over Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid – 2024-03-20 09:05:56

Peloponnese Newsroom The UN has expressed concern over Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. The strict restrictions imposed by the Israel at the entrance of humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip and the potential use of hunger as a weapon may “constitute a war crime”, announced today UN. “The extent of the restrictions … Read more

Von der Leyen on Gaza: “Let everything in our power be done” – VIDEO – 2024-03-13 10:51:09

The president of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, expressed the hope that the maritime humanitarian corridor to Gaza will significantly increase the amount of aid reaching the residents of the area. The statement was made on the occasion of the departure of the first humanitarian aid ship from the port of Larnaca in Cyprus … Read more

Hezbollah: Fired over 100 Katyusha rockets against Israeli positions – VIDEO – 2024-03-12 21:03:47

Lebanon’s Shiite movement Hezbollah said today it had fired “over 100 Katyusha rockets” at Israeli military positions. In a statement, the pro-Iranian movement clarified that it fired “more than a hundred Katyusha-type rockets” at two of its military bases Israel in the occupied Golan Heights “in retaliation for Israeli attacks against our people, villages and … Read more

Qatar: Hamas and Israel are nowhere near a ceasefire agreement – 2024-03-12 11:57:33

Peloponnese Newsroom Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas are nowhere close to reaching an agreement on a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages. The Catarrh is working towards achieving a permanent truce in Gauze and not a ceasefire of a few days. According to iefimerida, the above was stated today … Read more

He calls on Hamas to save the Palestinians from destruction – 2024-03-07 03:27:32

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas today called on Hamas to “quickly conclude” a deal to protect the Palestinian people from “the impact of a new disaster” after four months of war between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza Strip. “We call the movement Hamas to quickly conclude the prisoner deal to save our … Read more

Gaza: WHO evacuates Nasser Hospital for second time amid shelling – 2024-02-21 22:18:11

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced today that it has completed a second evacuation mission from Gaza’s Nasser Hospital, evacuating a total of 32 critically ill patients, including children, amid ongoing hostilities. Removal of patients from Nasser Hospital As the WHO added, efforts to remove the rest continue. The WHO is expressing fears for the … Read more

Lula criticizes Israel for the war in Gaza – 2024-02-20 06:41:03

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva unleashed mirages today during his official visit to Egypt, stressing that the United Nations has failed to resolve international conflicts, and sharply criticizing Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip. “His behavior Israel he has no explanation: on the pretense of fighting her Hamaskills women and children,” he said … Read more