Jen Gunter: “Talking about your menopause is already a feminist act”

The gynecologist and columnist on health and women in The New York Times Jen Gunter, author of “Manifesto for Menopause” (Dome Books), explains in an interview with Efe that women need to speak louder about this phase of their lives and demand reliable information about what is happening in their body. “The negative view of … Read more

10 effective tips for better handling

Neurodermatitis: medical treatment options In the first place should always be a visit to a dermatologist available to diagnose and discuss treatment options. This is the only way to ensure that you receive the best possible therapy tailored to the course of your disease. In order to understand how well controlled the disease is at … Read more

SNCF breaks high-speed commercial alliance with Renfe

ParisRenfe and the French state railway company, SNCF, will no longer jointly operate high-speed lines between the state and France. The French operator told Renfe on Wednesday that it would not renew the alliance when the current contract expires at the end of the year due to lack of profitability. “The lines have never been … Read more