The Impact of Modern Diets on Health: Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases

2023-11-06 01:13:18 modern dietEating and living habits high in sugar, fat, sodium and processed foods, coupled with insufficient exercise and stress, can lead to a variety of health problems and chronic diseases. l Obesity: Modern diets high in calories, fat and sugar can easily lead to weight gain. l Type 2 diabetes: Often closely related … Read more

Minimally Invasive Liposuction Techniques for Stubborn Fat Removal and Faster Recovery

2023-10-25 02:00:00 [Health Medical Network/Reported by reporters Wu Yiwen and Pan Yuqiao]Fat cells will change in size due to diet, exercise, hormones, genetics, stress, etc. Once they become larger, you need to work hard to control your diet and exercise to burn fat to return to their original size. However, “Stubborn fat” is often difficult … Read more

6 Keys to Stay Away from the Silent Killer: Preventing and Controlling High Blood Pressure

2023-09-28 02:02:17 Illustration – 70% of people suffer from high blood pressure. 6 keys to stay away from the “silent killer” High blood pressure is a common chronic disease and one of the major risk factors for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. Zhang Yihua, a physician at the Department of Family Medicine at Annan … Read more

Stress Solutions for Each Zodiac Sign: Tips to Relieve Pressure and Improve Well-being

2023-09-21 09:06:23 Modern people have heavy workloads and a lot of pressure in their lives. Stress is not only a psychological problem, it can even affect physical health, such as high blood pressure, insomnia, etc. Amanda, a zodiac teacher, is going to share how each zodiac sign usually reacts to stress? And what harm might … Read more

Preventing Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke: 10 Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart

2023-09-22 01:52:24 The older you get, the more likely you are to develop atrial fibrillation. 7 major stroke warning signs. Get help! Four out of every 100 people over the age of 60 have atrial fibrillation, and by the age of 80, one out of every 10 people has atrial fibrillation.[i]Taiwan will enter a super-aging … Read more

The Link Between Cardiac Output and Aortic Elasticity: Key Factors in Essential Hypertension | Website

2023-09-17 09:51:16 [Voice of Hope September 17, 2023]Increased systemic vascular resistance and reduced aortic elasticity are the main factors of essential hypertension. Hypertension A UK Biobank (UKB) study suggests that increased cardiac output, that is, increased heart work, is also an important cause of increased blood pressure and hypertension in middle-aged and elderly people. Hypertension … Read more

Importance of Lying Down for Accurate Blood Pressure Readings: Study Findings and Recommendations

2023-09-16 08:05:00 16th Sep 2023 01:35 PM | Contemporary Malayalam Desk RStudies have shown that keeping the patient lying down while checking blood pressure can help ensure more accurate readings. Post-hospital blood pressure testing can help make more accurate predictions of heart disease, stroke and death. According to the report, the influence of gravity during … Read more