Symptoms of fatty liver that worsen at night

05:43 PM Tuesday 26 July 2022 Agencies: Doctors at Cleveland Hospital in the United States announced that the increased itching in the area of ​​​​the feet and hands at night indicates a fatty liver. Express notes that, according to Cleveland Hospital doctors, the main symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver are discomfort and abdominal pain. But … Read more

Put it on your Eid breakfast.. Quraish cheese improves liver functions and protects it from diseases

Nuria Dianova, a Russian nutritionist, revealed that the function and condition of the liver can be improved through a daily diet that protects the person from the accumulation of fat in the liver cells and the danger that this poses. It contains many ghee and fats, according to the agency RIA Novosti Dianova explained in … Read more