Nasia Mesiri swept the medals at the Panhellenic – 2024-05-13 07:27:43

Another great distinction for the athlete of Atalanta Patras, Athanasia Mesiri, who a few days after her participation in the European gymnastics championship in Rimini, Italy swept the medals in the Panhellenic championship.In the pan-Hellenic gymnastics championship held over the weekend at the “Ioannis Melissanidis” indoor gym in Thessaloniki, the athlete of Ilias Tsopanoglou won … Read more

Great performance for Messiri in Italy, but out of Olympia – 2024-05-03 18:14:13

Athanasia Mesiris of Atlas Patras made a great appearance yesterday, in the preliminary match of the European gymnastics championship that takes place in Rimini, Italy, but she was left out of the final and automatically stayed away from the big goal of qualifying for the Olympics. The athlete of Ilias Tsopanoglou once again surpassed herself, … Read more