Reports of secret Israeli prison – hell for Palestinians in the Negev desert – 2024-05-13 03:03:10

The inhumane conditions of systematic abuse of Palestinians in an Israeli military base that functions as a detention center in the Negev desert, CNNi reveals, citing the testimonies of Israeli informants. “A stench filled the air and the room was buzzing with the mutterings of the men,” said the Israeli who was at the facility, … Read more

USA against Israel for the way it conducts the war – 2024-05-12 07:15:21

Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip continued this morning, despite criticism from Washington over Israel’s handling of the war and the risk of what the UN said was “a colossal humanitarian catastrophe” in Rafah. Early this morning AFP teams reported strikes in various sectors of the Gaza Strip, following a State Department assessment of the … Read more