Understanding Neck Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-12-03 20:06:18 According to the Mayo Clinic, neck pain is common. “Inadequate posture, due to bending over a computer or a workbench, overloads the neck muscles. Osteoarthritis is also a common cause of neck pain,” the entity states on its website. However, in some rare cases, neck pain can be a symptom of a more … Read more

Diseases Recognized by Voice: Learn about Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, and Vocal Cord Polyps

2023-11-02 04:31:00 Laryngeal cancer, dysphagia, vocal cord polyps… Diseases recognized by voice Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Views 58 Entered 2023.11.02 13:30 Modified 2023.11.02 09:25 Views 58 If laryngeal cancer progresses over a long period of time and invades the vocal cords or paralyzes the vocal cords, voice abnormalities may occur. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]0As the cold and windy … Read more

5 Terrible Things That Can Happen If You Try to Stop a Sneeze

2023-10-31 02:11:44 When you sneeze, the airway pressure is up to 20 times higher than when you cough… If you stop it, something terrible can happen. Entered 2023.10.31 11:10 Views 82 Entered 2023.10.31 11:10 Modified 2023.10.31 11:25 Views 82 You should never try to stop yourself from sneezing. This is because it can cause serious … Read more

Tragic Stabbing: 15-Year-Old British Girl Killed after Rejecting Flowers from Classmate

2023-09-28 09:44:46 A 15-year-old British girl was stabbed in the neck and died after refusing to accept flowers from a male classmate at school. (Picture/reproduced from the Associated Press website) On the morning of the 27th, a 15-year-old girl was assassinated by a 17-year-old boy in London, England. The girl was on her way to … Read more

Appeal for Freedom: Citizens Stand in Solidarity with Al-Rizq Tribe to Pardon Imprisoned Muhammad bin Mursal Al-Rizq

2023-09-19 21:42:46 Al-Marsad newspaper: Social media pioneers circulated a new video clip from another angle of a sit-in and a stand by citizens from the Al-Rizq tribe to appeal to their cousins, Al-Sanij Al-Rizq, to ​​pardon and free the neck of Muhammad bin Mursal Al-Rizq, a prisoner in a murder case in Najran. The video … Read more

Shocking Video: Russian Pensioner Uses Flamethrower and Speargun in Violent Confrontation

2023-06-27 02:31:02 translation exclusiveA Russian pensioner turned his neighbor into a fireball using a homemade flamethrower in the village of Trudovoye in Primorsky Krai, then shot a woman with a speargun, piercing her neck. The video, published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, showed the moment a man caught fire while trying to calm the … Read more

Strong earthquake shakes Croatia – also noticeable in Bavaria

An earthquake has shaken the west coast of Croatia. Individual effects should also have been felt in Bavaria. An earthquake shook the Croatian island of Krk on Thursday morning. The Seismological Institute in the capital Zagreb put the strength at 4.8, according to the portal “erdbebennews.de” the strength has now been corrected upwards to 5.3. … Read more