Once a foster child, this is the figure of Edwin Bahari, Anisa Bahar’s new lover – 2024-04-12 02:50:34

Edwin Bahari, is currently being discussed by the public because of news of his relationship with singer Anisa Bahar (Instagram) EDWIN Bahari, an advertising star and singer, has recently been in the public spotlight. This 28 year old man is reportedly in a relationship with dandut singer Anisa Bahar. Before becoming a lover, Edwin Bahari … Read more

Fuji and Asnawi: The Truth About Their Relationship Revealed | VIVA Showbiz

2023-12-15 17:02:01 Saturday, 16 December 2023 – 00:02 WIB VIVA Showbiz – Fuji and Asnawi Mangkualam have recently been widely discussed by their fans because they are suspected of having a special relationship. This gossip started when Fuji and Asnawi were caught walking together in a mall at night. They were recorded by a netizen … Read more

Adorable Characteristics of Hong Kong People Praised by Female Drifter: Hot Conflict with Mainland Netizens

2023-12-15 08:00:00 Hot Topics on the Internet|The female Hong Kong drifter praises Hong Kong people for being so cute, but the mainlanders are wrong and point out: the things they use are so expensive! Conflicts between China and Hong Kong are common, but sometimes it is really hard to predict what will trigger a war … Read more

High Quality of Hong Kong People Praised by Mainland Woman – A Hot Topic on the Internet!

2023-12-14 06:31:55 Hot Topics on the Internet|A mainland woman posted an article praising the high quality of Hong Kong people, prompting criticism and scolding Hong Kong people for discriminating against mainlanders: She is guilty of not knowing English! I believe that many people pay special attention to the living habits of local people when traveling … Read more

Aaron Kwok’s mansion has become Xiaohongshu’s latest check-in hotspot and is considered shabby. Netizens: Why do rich people live in this kind of house?

2023-12-14 09:43:44 Aaron Kwok’s mansion has become Xiaohongshu’s latest check-in hotspot and is considered shabby. Netizens: Why do rich people live in this kind of house? Since the opening and closing, many mainland tourists have come to Hong Kong. Recently, Xiaohongshu has set off a craze for checking in Hong Kong attractions. In addition to … Read more

Mainland Man’s Unpleasant McDonald’s Experience in Hong Kong Sparks Controversy

2023-12-14 08:00:00 Hot Topics on the Internet|A mainland man had an unpleasant experience buying McDonald’s and posted an article criticizing Hong Kong people for being so good. Netizens said he has a psychological problem A mainland man had an unpleasant experience when buying McDonald’s. He posted an article criticizing Hong Kong people for being so … Read more

40-year-old Gou Yunhui was captured in the wild. Her figure looks slightly thick. Netizens praised her for being very friendly.

2023-12-06 03:19:51 40-year-old Gou Yunhui was captured in the wild. Her figure looks slightly thick. Netizens praised her for being very friendly. Gou Yunhui married Lu Hanyang, the descendant of a tin mining magnate and a racing driver, in 2018. After the marriage, she faded out of the entertainment industry. However, in the past two … Read more

Hong Kong’s Development: Debates on Technology & Civility

2023-12-05 02:53:48 Mainland people question Hong Kong’s stagnant development and backward technology but clean toilets: everyone has his own merits Mainlanders praise Hong Kong for its advanced development, but controversial netizens question its backwardness in technology: There is no Alipay! Netizens in China and Hong Kong can basically start a war over everything, whether it … Read more