Robert Krakoff, co-founder of Razer and promoter of the first ‘gamer’ mouse, dies

Robert Krakoff ‘Razerguy’, co-founder of the peripherals company Razer and promoter of the first ‘gamer’ mouse, passed away this week at the age of 81. In 1999, Krakoff was behind the first gaming mouse: the Razer Boomslang. He did it from his brand called Kärna, prior to Razer. Kärna went bankrupt in 2001 and Krakoff … Read more

Twitter: Elon Musk asks about edit button

Elon Musktrue to form, has begun to flaunt his actions of Twitter and he has done a controversial survey: he asked his followers if they want a button to edit tweets. This Monday, Musk became the largest shareholder of Twitter, a social network that I used to use daily, but also criticize for its “censorship” … Read more

Japan: Cyber ​​attack paralyzes Toyota production

Japan trace the origin of cyber attack committed against a supplier of the vehicle manufacturer Toyota which has halted production across Japan as companies assess when they will be able to resume factory operations. “The government of Japan is collecting information together with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and the National Police, and we … Read more

Why has Portugal become “the paradise of cryptocurrencies”?

Didi Taihuttupatriarch of the so-called “Family Bitcoin”, indicates that the family will settle in Portugal, Europe’s new ultimate crypto tax haven. This was a big deal for the Dutch family of five, who have traveled the world for the past five years. But after spending time in 40 countries, Portugal, which is one of the … Read more