The end of the world is around the corner, according to dramatic revelations of artificial intelligence – Publimetro México

He end of the world could be just around the corner, according to the dramatic revelations made by the artificial intelligence. It would not be about the impact of a meteorite or the death of our Sun. Nor about the arrival of an evil civilization or the consequences of climate change. The estimates made by … Read more

Russia: Putin threatens nuclear weapons capable of “destroying civilization” after Macron’s idea of ​​sending troops to Ukraine |

Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened this Thursday with the nuclear option if the West sends soldiers to Ukraine. “Russia’s opponents must remember that we have weapons capable of hitting targets on their territory and that what they propose scares the entire world. All this threatens [desatar] a conflict with nuclear weapons and, therefore, the destruction … Read more

US Commission Warns of Nuclear War with Russia and China: Putin Dismisses it. Kremlin Propaganda in Full Swing

2023-10-16 05:54:42 A US commission warns of a nuclear war with Russia and China. Vladimir Putin dismisses it. The Kremlin propaganda is already in full swing. Russian leader Vladimir Putin spoke out in an interview about a possible conflict between the United States of America on the one hand and Russia and China on the … Read more

The United States and Russia Balance of Strength and Weakness in the Central European War.. By / / Omar Naguib

According to a report published in the US capital, Washington, on February 25, 2023: Russia, on the one hand, and Ukraine and its allies, on the other, have vowed to keep fighting a war with no end in sight, according to a New York Times news report. This coincides with the first anniversary of the … Read more

Decoding ‘Nuclear War’, how many chances are there?

The Al Jazeera website reports. Medvedev, former Russian president from 2008 to 2012, vice-president of Putin’s powerful Security Council. Posted in telegram messaging applications “The defeat of a nuclear superpower in a conventional war could provoke a nuclear war. Nuclear powers have never been defeated in a great conflict.” The Kremlin government immediately accepted Medvedev’s … Read more