Minister of the Interior Challenges Union Leadership: Calls for Democracy and Dialogue – Government Responds to General Strike

2024-05-10 05:49:28 The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, questioned those responsible for the measure of force: “We have to ask ourselves if we have to continue with the same union leadership for so many years or we have to democratize.” However, he clarified that the Casa Rosada will not cut off the dialogue with … Read more

GENERAL STOP MAY 9: at what time trains, subways and buses stop operating and which LINES it affects

This Thursday, May 9, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) will carry out its second general strike since Javier Milei became president in December. The measure threatens to produce total paralysis since it includes the strategic public transportation sector. This Sunday, the co-secretary general Hector Der promised a “stoppage” since”all unions that make up the … Read more