” Eating grapefruit moon cakes requires abstinence from the doctor: the risk of diabetics suffering from periodontal disease is 1.9 times that of the average person-Instant News-Free Health Network

Physician Cao Haowei said that the secretion of saliva in diabetic patients is relatively small, which will affect the ability of periodontal tissue to fight microorganisms. In the context photo, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Is periodontal disease related to diabetes? Cao … Read more

The faster health clock of the MZ generation… Oral health must be taken care of in advance

MZ generation oral health management (provided by UD Dental) As health has become a national concern, immunity and prevention for health management have become important. Even among the 2030 MZ generation (millennials + generation Z), who were somewhat indifferent to health care, the ‘early care syndrome’ spread and the health clock accelerated. Early care syndrome … Read more