An artistic painting that you will not see much .. the planets of the solar system light up the sky at one time

A recent report revealed that space enthusiasts can see all planets Seven except for Earth in the night sky, where Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are currently visible in that order with the naked eye, starting on the southwestern horizon and moving east, however Uranus, located between Mars and Jupiterand Neptune, located between Saturn … Read more

China is looking for habitable planets outside the solar system

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) has announced that it intends to launch a program to search for habitable planets outside the boundaries of the solar system. Speaking to the press, Foundation Director Wu Yansheng said: “By 2030, our foundation will begin the mission of studying the distant space outside our solar system … Read more

Monitoring an exoplanet dangerously close to its star… a glimpse of the end of Earth?

Astronomers have discovered for the first time a distant planet that is dangerously close to its aging star, according to a study published Monday, the results of which give an idea of ​​the possible end of planet Earth. Located 2,600 light-years from Earth, Kepler-1658b is an exoplanet about the size of Jupiter. But unlike this … Read more

Is this the fate that awaits us?

Posted in: 20/12/2022 – 11:40 Astronomers have discovered for the first time a distant planet that is dangerously close to its aging star, according to a study published Monday, the results of which give an idea of ​​the possible end of planet Earth. Located 2,600 light-years from Earth, Kepler-1658b is an exoplanet roughly the size … Read more

The James Webb Telescope reveals the mystery of a strange nebula surrounding a dying star

The space telescope enabled James Webb In one of his first discoveries made possible by his meticulous observational abilities, 2 stars They were not previously visible in the surrounding Southern Ring Nebula with a star prone to extinction. This strange nebula is located in Galaxy The Milky Way is about 2,000 light-years away from the … Read more