“The Neuroscience of Fitness: How Exercise Improves Brain Health and Cognitive Function”

2023-05-23 10:21:20 Exercise stimulates neurogenesis – the creation of new nerve cells – primarily in the hippocampus, affecting memory and learning while increasing key mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Exercise also enhances brain plasticity, which is essential for recovery from injury and aging, and improves cognitive functions such as attention and memory, according to a report published by … Read more

The most appropriate time to exercise to improve brain function

Results of a long-term study, conducted by researchers at University College London, indicate that regular physical activity during leisure time at any age is associated with better brain function later in life, but maintaining an exercise routine throughout adulthood appears to be best for maintaining The acuity of mind and memory, according to Neuroscience News, … Read more

4 mistakes to avoid when suffering from stress and bipolar disorder

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:Stress and bipolar disorder are among the diseases whose disturbing symptoms should not be overlooked, as they cause some side effects and affect the practice of life normally, so a specialist doctor should be consulted immediately. In the following report, The Consulto reviews the most important mistakes that should be … Read more