Venezuela registers this 18E the highest level of cases and incidence of infections by Omicron in the current COVID-19 pandemic

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodriguez, He called on families and citizens in general to take maximum awareness and prevention against COVID-19, after this Tuesday the highest number of cases (2,090) and incidence (34%) were registered in the country since the first contagion in 2020, due to the circulation of the new … Read more

SENIAT announces the deadline for declaration and payment of the ISLR until March 31

The National Integrated Service of the Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT), reminds taxpayers that they have until March 31st to declare and pay Income Tax (ISLR) for fiscal year 2021. In this sense, the National Customs and Tax Superintendent, José David Cabello Rondón, reported that there is “from January 1 to March 31 to declare … Read more

This is what happens if you get out of bed suddenly

Neurologist Igor Orlov explains the dangers for the body to get out of bed suddenly. In this sense, he indicated that “the abrupt transition from horizontal to vertical position is an effort for circulation. Therefore, after listening to the alarm clock and the process of awakening, you need to stay in bed for a while … Read more

Chinese Xplorer Award Opens New Category for Young Medical Scientists

The Xplorer Prize, one of the largest grants offered in China to young scientists, this time will establish a new category of medical science from 2022, reported the Xinhua web portal. It is a non-governmental award that originated in 2018 by the president and CEO of the Chinese company Tencent, Ma Huateng, together with a … Read more