‘Kairos’: A private Japanese rocket explodes in the air as soon as it takes off | Science

The Japanese rocket Kairos, which aspired to be the first operated by a private Japanese company to put a satellite into orbit, exploded this Wednesday shortly after its first launch attempt, when its self-destruct mechanism was activated due to a technical problem. The failed launch took place at 11:01 GMT this Wednesday from a platform … Read more

Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist, a lousy husband, and his brain was stolen after he died

Albert Einstein with his first wife, whom he divorced years later because of his cousin.|Celebrity lives, Mall.tv, Czech Video Center, as While studying at the Polytechnic in Zurich, Einstein established a relationship with fellow student Mileva Marić. Mileva was originally from Serbia and, like Albert, studied physics and mathematics in Zurich. There are many rumors … Read more

The Anthropocene war: this was the explosive vote that decided not to change the geological epoch of the planet | Science

The British geologist Charles Lyell proposed the word Pleistocene in 1839 to define the last prehistoric epoch, today considered a succession of ice ages that began about 2.58 million years ago. The French paleontologist Paul Gervais suggested in 1867 to call the current chapter in the planet’s history Holocene, which began more than 10,000 years … Read more

The Pentagon rules out that the United States has covered up the existence of extraterrestrial life | Science

Nothing to see here. As an agent stationed at the police cordon at a crime scene would tell the curious, the Pentagon assured this Friday in an exhaustive 63-page report, the result of reviewing decades of classified and unclassified information, that there is no evidence of that the United States has covered up any discovery … Read more

University of Szeged | Special food, flowers and dance awaited the participants at the SZTE Confucius Institute’s Lantern Festival

The Chinese Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival (after the signature dish of the holiday, yuanxiao) dates back 2,000 years. It falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and marks the end of the 15-day New Year holiday period. The celebration organized for this day by the Confucius Institute of the University of … Read more

An amphibian discovered that takes care of its eggs and suckles its young | Science

Textbooks say there are two main groups of amphibians. They are not lying, anurans, those without tails (frogs, toads…) and caudates, with tails (salamanders and newts) represent the majority of this class of animals. But there is a third order, that of the gymnofiones, or caecilians, which live in humid equatorial and subtropical areas. The … Read more

Controversy with the Anthropocene: humanity still does not know in which geological epoch it lives | Science

The Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for illuminating the hole in the ozone layer, proposed in 2000 that the planet had entered a new era, caused by the brutal impact of human beings. An international team of specialists, the Anthropocene Working Group, has analyzed the scientific facts since 2009 … Read more