Controversy with the Anthropocene: humanity still does not know in which geological epoch it lives | Science

The Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for illuminating the hole in the ozone layer, proposed in 2000 that the planet had entered a new era, caused by the brutal impact of human beings. An international team of specialists, the Anthropocene Working Group, has analyzed the scientific facts since 2009 … Read more

Women, science and time | Science

All over the world, women are a minority in science institutes. The reason for this has deep roots in the structure of the society in which we live and, although different initiatives are proposed to change it, none seem to achieve the expected effect. One of the causes of this phenomenon, which has been minimized, … Read more

An Andalusian astrolabe discovered that was used by Muslims, Jews and Christians | Science

They didn’t know what they had. The caretakers of a family museum in Verona (Italy) believed that the strange object was fake. But a historian from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Federica Gigante, knew what it was as soon as she saw it in an image uploaded to the internet. As soon as she … Read more

Odysseus: Two frozen ships, almost out of battery and perched sideways on the Moon, success or failure? | Science

Landing on the Moon again after having done so more than half a century ago is costing a lot. Of the last six attempts, only one – the Indian probe Chandrayaan 3 – was successful. The others, for one reason or another, have not been classified as such. But has the experience really been so … Read more

Intuitive Machines will try to wake up ‘Odysseus’ when the icy lunar night passes | Science

Odysseus turns off. The long night reaches the lunar south pole and the space module launched by the private company Intuitive Machines runs out of power. Hate, As the company’s employees have named it, it has been the first American arrival on the Moon since the end of the Apollo program in 1972. In addition, … Read more

A ‘jumping’ gene caused humans to lose their tails | Science

The tail has been a very useful tool since the first animals appeared, more than 500 million years ago. Fish have used it to propel themselves through the water, dinosaurs balanced with them and scorpions use them as a weapon. Closer to our species, 25 million years ago, ancestral primates used them as another limb, … Read more

The fall leaves ‘Odysseus’ without energy ahead of time and shortens his mission on the Moon | Science

The return of the United States to the Moon half a century after the Apollo program has been accompanied by a setback. The Odysseus lander fell while landing on the Moon and came to rest on its side. While that didn’t render him completely useless, it has limited his mission. The company Intuitive Machines, which … Read more