Nikkei Stock Average falls sharply, drops more than 600 yen Bank of Japan raises interest rates | Reuters

On December 20, the Nikkei Stock Average fell sharply in the aftermarket. Investors were disgusted by the fact that the Bank of Japan announced that it would revise its large-scale easing, effectively raising interest rates. Photo taken at the Tokyo Stock Exchange in May 2013. ( Hanai) [Tokyo 20th]- The Nikkei average has fallen … Read more

Tokyo Shinjuku Kabukicho “Golden Street” fire temporarily disturbed no injuries | NHK

Around 1:50 pm on the 17th, fire departments were notified that a two-story restaurant in “Golden Gai” in Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo was on fire. According to the Tokyo Fire Department, 20 fire trucks rushed in to extinguish the fire, and the fire was almost extinguished after about an hour and a half, but about 10 … Read more

Couples don’t want children because they don’t have enough money to support them; Will Japan’s new plan to boost birth rates work?

The Japanese government is moving to pay an additional 80,000 yen (about fifty thousand rupees) to couples with only one child. Japan is looking for ways to stop the alarming decline in the birth rate. As part of this, the government is moving to pay an additional 80,000 yen (about fifty thousand rupees) to couples … Read more

Around Tokyo Kabukicho “Toh Yoko” before the winter vacation Metropolitan Police Department | NHK

Before the winter vacation, the Metropolitan Police Department conducted a simultaneous guidance around Kabukicho, commonly known as “To-yoko”, which is known as a place where junior high school students and high school students gather. About four years ago, junior high school and high school students began to gather around a large commercial building in the … Read more

Explosion at construction site or one person killed Rescue activity for another person in Edogawa Ward, Tokyo | NHK

On the morning of the 6th, there was a report that there was an explosion at an underground construction site in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, and one male worker was taken to the hospital, but was later confirmed dead. In addition, the Tokyo Fire Department is engaged in rescue activities because another worker who was working with … Read more

[Market Eye]Stocks: Nikkei Stock Average Decreases, Accelerates Selling of Export-Related Stocks | Reuters

[東京 2日 ロイター] – <10:15> 日経平均は下げ幅拡大、輸出関連株の売り加速 日経平均は下げ幅を拡大し、前営業日比約430円安の2万7700円台後半で推移 している。寄り付きから変わらず全業種で値下がりし、全面安の展開となっている。下げ 幅は一時450円を超えた。 輸出関連株の下げが目立っており、トヨタ自動車、日立製作所、ホ ンダが軟調。市場では、ドル/円相場での円高進行と前日の米株安が重しになっ ているとの声が聞かれた。「多くの企業がドル/円の想定レートを135円前後としてお り、さらなる円高進行は企業業績にとってマイナスになる可能性がある」(国内証券・ス トラテジスト)という。 足元のドルは135円台前半で、昨日の取引時間中より円高に振れている。 <09:05> 寄り付きの日経平均は反落、利益確定売り優勢  寄り付きの東京株式市場で日経平均は、前営業日比242円90銭安の2万7983 円18銭と、反落してスタートした。寄り付き後も350円安と下げ幅を広げている。昨 日の株高の反動で利益確定売りが優勢となり、節目の2万8000円を下回った。東証3 3業種では、全業種値下がりしている。 昨日大きく上昇した銘柄の下げが目立ち、個別ではソフトバンクグループ、 東京エレクトロン、ファーストリテイリングが軟調。 主力のトヨタ自動車、ソニーグループもそれぞれ1%超安とさえな い。 <08:25> 寄り前の板状況、日産東京販売HLDGが買い優勢 ニッコンHL DGは売り優勢  東証プライム市場の寄り前の板状況では、買い優勢と売り優勢のそれぞれ上位銘柄群 は以下の通り。 買い優勢 銘柄名 騰落 MID 買気 売気 終値 率 気配 配 配 1 日産東京販売HLDG 27% 378 378 378 298 2 進和 24% 2,54 2,54 2,54 2,04 5 5 5 5 3 … Read more

Today’s stock outlook = small movement, wait-and-see ahead of Fed chairman’s speech | Reuters

TOKYO ( – Today’s Tokyo stock market is expected to see a small move in the Nikkei Stock Average. The Nikkei Stock Average is expected to be offensive and defensive across the milestone of 28,000 yen. US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Jerome Powell is scheduled to give a speech this evening, and it is … Read more

Today’s stock outlook = weak, tech stocks soft or watch trends in Asian stocks | Reuters

TOKYO ( – Today’s Tokyo stock market is expected to weaken the Nikkei Stock Average. It is expected to take over the trend of the US stock price decline and start with selling first. The Nikkei Stock Average is likely to fall below 28,000 yen, as high-tech stocks such as electronic components and semiconductors are … Read more