TC Teach: How to Activate Night Shift on iPhone and iPad

2023-06-20 10:41:00

Far from being a novelty, the “Night Shift” (something like “Turno da Noite” in free translation) was introduced in Apple devices in mid-2016, in an update of iOS 9 – more precisely in version 9.3.

Today, continuing our list of tips and tutorials, you can find below how to activate and configure this feature on your iPhone and iPad, in addition to some more information about its use.

19 Jun

02 Dez

How to Activate Night Shift on iPhone and iPad

Night Shift is capable of modifying the colors of your iDevice’s screen in order to make it more pleasant to use at night, reducing the user’s exposure to blue light. The feature uses the clock and geographic position of your iPhone or iPad to determine the time of sunset, leaving the screen of these devices with warmer tones.

Initially, the feature was presented by the company as a way to reduce the impact of using these devices at night, improving the user’s sleep quality (compared to normal use).

However, over time, some research has contradicted this effect; stating that the impact generated is basically the same, and that the quality of sleep can be linked more to the user’s activities on the device before going to sleep than necessarily the emission (or not) of blue light.

Anyway, some users report that the use of the resource, in fact, brings more comfort to the eyes when using the screens in darker environments, less harming the vision. And since there are no contraindications, you can use it as you wish!

Check below how to activate and configure the feature on your iPhone and iPad.

With your device unlocked in hand, access the “Settings”; Now, tap on “Screen and Brightness”’ Tap “Night Shift”; On the new screen, choose how you want to use the resource: on a scheduled basis or until the next day. In the slider below these functions, choose the color temperature, ranging from “Hotter”, for more yellow tones, or “Less hot”, for less yellow tones.

You’ve learned how to enable and configure Night Shift on your iPhone and iPad! In addition to the path described above, you can also enable the feature manually through the Control Center.

To do this, just open the Control Center on your device, tap and hold on the brightness control and, on the new screen, tap on the “Night Shift”.

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