Techniques of agile methodologies reduce the obstacles of the legal world

2023-05-09 14:48:48

Focused on the technology industry, agile methodologies are facilitators to deliver high quality solutions. These elements can also be used in the legal sector, to simplify and increase the effectiveness of processes within offices. Part of this advancement is perpetuated by the role of the Product Owner (PO), the professional responsible for managing the delivery of products and services.

The Product Owner is responsible for central stages of agile methodologies, such as Scrum. As suggested by the name, this is the Product Owner, the focal point of leadership and the voice of stakeholders. After all, the PO is responsible for defining the actions and processes when developing solutions.

This professional, however, does not just act like a boss, demanding orders. Much of his activity is aimed at simplifying processes, making objectives clearer, directing improvements and facilitating the path to where you want to get to.

The Product Owner must also discover the true pains of the customers. “And how to do it? Asking the right questions. And, of course, these questions need to be directed towards simplification”, explained André Alves de Lima Bueno, Product Owner of Finch’s Virtual Registry and Pre-Litigation. “You know that phrase, the best is the enemy of the good? Yes, the PO has in its essence simplification rooted”, he completes.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the following questions to develop an effective action plan: understand what is the root cause of the client’s or user’s pain?, what problem should be solved?, is the pain latent? and what is the challenge and reward? That is, the Product Owner needs to propose alternatives, seek new challenges and be passionate about solutions. The challenge is to deliver better experiences to users/customers. With or without the use of technology.

The Product Owner’s responsibilities are managing the product, setting the product goals, having the product vision, the product backlog and the development team. Thus, the role of the PO is very important for the technology market.

“The Product Owner’s great challenge, with the aim of simplifying the legal world, is to package and deliver products with solutions that maximize value and simplify processes and procedures for the legal ecosystem”, stated André Alves de Lima Bueno.

Bueno also points out that the professional is the environment and the center of proposing ideas for possible solutions. That is, the PO breaks the barrier that exists between “product” and “legal”, applying all product knowledge to legal solution packages.

“In our company, the Product Owner needs to be aligned with Agile Methodologies and the Legal Operations Methodology, considering nine areas of legal management: operational development; third-party management; legal structure; processes and technology; institutional relationship and with the Judiciary; knowledge management and sustainability; Data Driven; legal governance; and strategic planning”, says Bueno.

It should be noted that the PO does not just create innovative solutions “from scratch”. The professional also needs to be aware of the movements of the competition and the market, in addition to testing hypotheses on how to improve the product.


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