Teen impaled on pliers while shoveling snow

2024-01-27 19:13:42

Joey Zeman has just made a sensational entry into the ranking of unlucky people. The 15-year-old was shoveling snow outside his home in WaKeeny, Kansas, when he slipped on a patch of ice. Instantly, the young man understood that the pliers he kept in his pocket were now in another place: “I looked down, and it was inside me,” he told KWCH. In fact, the tool had buried itself in his body, at the level of his hip.

The teenager first tried to remove the forceps himself, but as they were firmly lodged in his hip bone, it was impossible to extract them. Joey ended up calling his mother for help. “I thought he was playing a joke on me or that there was just a little hole or something. I never would have thought that the tool was completely embedded,” says Alicia, who published impressive images on Facebook. The teen was first transported to the local hospital, where staff immediately arranged for him to be airlifted to Wichita.

There was indeed a risk that he would have to undergo emergency surgery if the bleeding did not stop. “We see all kinds of things in the emergency room, but this is something I’ve never seen before and probably never will again,” says Sarah Gibbs, nurse practitioner. Fortunately, the bleeding stopped and the teenager’s internal organs were not affected. The doctors therefore did not need to resort to too heavy an intervention and after a night in the hospital, Joey was able to return home.

#Teen #impaled #pliers #shoveling #snow

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