Telemedicine drives the digital expansion of animal health

The veterinary telemedicine market has been growing in Brazil, following the growth trend of telemedicine focused on human health. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine in the country, both for humans and animals, and made many people and companies realize the advantages of this type of care.

According to data from Statista, revenue in the Digital Health market in Brazil is expected to reach USD 2.82 billion in 2022 and revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.80% until 2027, resulting in a projected market volume of $4.71 billion. The increased demand for health services for pets and the need to expand access to specialists in more remote regions are some of the factors driving the growth of veterinary telemedicine in the country.

“Veterinary telemedicine takes specialized care to remote regions”, explains Simone Amado, founder of GoVets Telemedicina Veterinária. “The modality can also help relieve veterinary clinics and hospitals, reducing the waiting time for consultations and offering guidance and support for tutors”, she continues. However, it is important to emphasize that veterinary telemedicine in Brazil is subject to limitations in terms of emergency care and diagnosis and treatment without the physical presence of the animal.

Currently, a veterinary teleconsultation in Brazil can only be carried out when the veterinarian has already had previous contact with the animal, as in a return consultation, for example. In the teleinterconsultation model, it is possible to have the veterinarian and the patient together in the office, receiving help from a specialized veterinarian, for example, remotely. This specialized veterinarian does not need to have had previous contact with the patient.

Other options for veterinary telemedicine in Brazil include teleguidance and telescreening, which aim to guide the animal’s guardian on the general care to be taken in cases of mild symptoms or assess the severity of the animal’s symptoms and indicate the next step to be taken.

Veterinary telemedicine in Brazil is regulated by Resolution 1,465 of 07/27/2022 of the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV). It is essential that professionals in the area are trained to offer quality care, adapted to the needs of each animal and its owner. Technology can be a great ally to bring quality veterinary care to remote regions and ensure the health and well-being of pets. The perspective is that veterinary telemedicine will continue to grow in Brazil in the coming years, following the already consolidated trend in human health telemedicine.


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