Tense as Putin hits Ukrainian special ops Behind the booming Crimean bridge

On October 12, 2022, foreign news agencies reported Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that ‘Ukrainian Special Operations’ was responsible for a bomb sabotage on a 19-kilometer-long Crimean bridge. that spans across the Kirz Strait linking southern Russia with the Crimea peninsula On Saturday 8 Oct. ago.

The Russian news agency said the Russian Security Agency (FSB) issued a statement saying: Russian authorities have detained eight suspects in connection with the Crimean Bridge bombing. Which is considered an important symbol of Russia’s bridge. created after Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula as part of Russia in 2014.

Of the eight suspects, five were Russians and Ukrainian civilians. and three Armenians, for which the Russian Security Agency did not reveal any details. More about these suspects

‘A total of 22,750 kg of bombs were strung up in 22 plastic rolls that were smuggled onto a ship sailing from the Ukrainian port of Odisha to Bulgaria. in August These bombs were then smuggled by ship to the port of Poti in Georgia. before sending bombs to Armenia and was loaded onto trucks in Russia,’ a statement from the FSB said.

More than 20 thousand kilograms of these bombs were loaded onto trucks bearing Georgian license plates. It arrived in Russia on October 4 and arrived in the Krasnodar region of southern Russia on October 6, two days before the sabotage.

Firefighters deploy helicopters to control blaze on Crimean bridge After being sabotaged in an attack on October 8, 2022

‘It was a terrorist attack’ carried out by Ukrainian secret operations. which coordinated the transport of these bombs to sabotage the Crimean Bridge attack.

However, Ukrainian officials have rejected a report of the Russia investigation released today (Oct. 12), saying it was an allegation that ‘Nonsense nonsense’.

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