Tested on sheep and found success; The experiment in humans to give sight to the blind is imminent

Experiments to restore the eyesight of the completely blind have been going on for years in different parts of the world. Science The discovery of various treatments and surgeries for the visually impaired is a great achievement. However, many surgeries often fail to give vision to everyone. There is hopeful news coming out of Australia for those waiting for more advanced treatments and technologies.

The bionic devices called the Phoenix 99 are now the talk of the town. The principle behind this device is to transfer a camera feed directly from a small camera mounted on a pair of sunglasses directly to the retina in the form of electrical signals. These signals are then processed by the optical nerve and transmitted to the brain. Scientists claim that with such devices, visually impaired people can see everything clearly.

The Phoenix 99 was first tested on a sheep that had no vision. The fact that the Phoenix 99 was attached to the eye gave the sheep good eyesight, which increased the scientific community’s belief in the device. The Phoenix 99 is now being prepared for testing in humans, with the device being shown to have no side effects when used in animals.

This bionic technology is in the final stages of preparation for approval in humans. Only a few formalities remain. Experts estimate that bionic devices will become more common by 2028 and will be available in the market from $ 400.

Story Highlights: bionic eyes human trial soon

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