TESTIMONY My face has doubled in size due to sun poisoning

Incredible but true ! This young woman’s face has doubled in size due to a ” sun poisoning “. She went to the Love Supreme festival, in England. The day was very sunny and Ruby explains that she did not wear Solar cream. Two days after enjoying the event, the young woman woke up to find that her face had doubled in size, to the point that she could barely open her eyes. She presented to the hospital where the doctors installed an IV containing antihistamines and steroids to reduce edema. According to the doctors, it was then an allergic reaction.

It took three days for Ruby’s face to return to its original shape. ” My skin was all red and spottedand my arms and my neck were covered withRashes. she recalled. Although she spent the day in the sun, the young woman said she did not feel any tightness or tightness. burning on his skin. The first symptom felt was an itch on his neck. As the day progressed, a co-worker noticed that Ruby’s neck seemed swollen, and then the itchy feeling moved towards his face.

The sun, responsible for the edema on the face of the young woman?

Ruby immediately ruled out that her reaction was triggered by something she ate. She then researched (…)

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