The 3 biggest weaknesses of Vegeta, we would all agree

2023-05-04 18:17:49

Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans, is one of the most popular characters in Dragon Ball Z. He is an incredibly strong and skilled warrior, capable of defeating formidable foes. However, despite all of his abilities, Vegeta also has weaknesses that have been exposed throughout the series. In this article, we’ll explore some of those weaknesses that affected Vegeta’s life and fights.

Arrogance in Vegeta’s personality

Moon of Vegeta’s most glaring weaknesses is his arrogance. He tends to underestimate his opponents, thinking he is always the strongest. This arrogance often led to his defeat and suffering. For example, during his fight against Majin Buu, Vegeta was defeated because he refused to admit that his enemy was stronger than him. Similarly, during his fight against Goku Blackhe was completely outplayed because he didn’t take his opponent’s warnings seriously.

However, Vegeta began to learn from his mistakes. After being defeated by Goku in the Universe 7 Tournament, he realized he needed to be humbler and work harder to achieve his goals. He also started to appreciate the strength of his opponents and to train seriously to get stronger.

Vegeta’s Saiyan-Worthy Pride

vegeta pride

Another weakness of Vegeta is his pride. He estimates his own worth according to of his strength and his status as prince of the Saiyans. This pride often prevented him from asking his allies for help and working as a team. For example, during Cell’s attack on Earth, he refused to merge with Goku to defeat their common enemy.

However, Vegeta also started to overcome this weakness. After his loss to Majin Buu, he agreed to merge with Goku to create Vegeto and save Earth. He also worked as a team with Goku in the Universe 7 Tournament and showed that he could put aside his pride to achieve a common goal.

This obsession of Vegeta for power

ultra ego vegeta

To finish, another weakness of Vegeta is his obsession with power. He is ready to do anything to become stronger, including endangering his life and that of his loved ones. This obsession has led to tragic events, like the death of his friend Nappa and the destruction of the planet Arlia. It also led to his transformation into Majin Vegeta, where he sacrificed his moral integrity to gain more power.

However, Vegeta has also started to realize that power isn’t everything. After his daughter was born, he began to see the value in life and began to fight to protect those he loved, rather than to grow stronger.

#biggest #weaknesses #Vegeta #agree

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