“The Adam Project Macross” Review: A chance encounter with your future self becomes the beginning of an adventure | The Adam Project Film Review | Time Travel | The Adam Project

【The Epoch Times, March 12, 2022】“time travel” is one of the enduring themes of film and television works, and in the film “Macross Adam Project“(The Adam Project), the starting point is to meet the “self from the future”, through the formation of partners from the male protagonists from different timelines, to make the story of confronting the villain more interesting.

The background of the story is that the male protagonist Adam is a 12-year-old boy. One day, in the process of looking after the house alone, he actually met himself from 2055! This middle-aged version of Adam flew an advanced fighter jet and was on some sort of secret mission. This ingenious fate also made Adam from different time and space become a good partner to fight against the villain threat from the future together.

Macross Adam Project“Stills. (provided by Netflix)

Future technology creates visual texture

Since the male protagonist of this film includes Adam from 2055, this also adds a futuristic sci-fi element to the film, and the opening space chase is quite representative. The fighter planes driven by Adam and the villain are quite futuristic, which is enough to show the excellent visual level. The intense air combat process can also reflect the advanced technology level, making the special effects and battle scenes become the highlights of the movie.

As far as the young Adam in 2022 is concerned, “The Macross Adam Project” also gives a story-like shape to his character. Since his debut, he has faced the dilemma of being bullied by school bullies, and this kind of drama has also become malleable. Faced, let the daily life of the male protagonist also contain elements of more dramatic tension. The opposite scene between Adam and his mother also makes the character background reasonably interpreted, and the audience can initially understand the impact of the loss of his father at a young age on him. As far as character traits are concerned, although Adam is not a bad boy with a negative image, it is still enough to see the side that makes his mother a headache, and makes the rivalry between mother and son interesting enough.

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

Meeting Adam from the future is an opportunity to change the direction of the story, and the movie’s portrayal of such scenes is also interesting. At the moment of the incident, whether it is the visual change of the environment itself or the reaction of the pet dog, it can reasonably render the mysterious atmosphere. After the two Adams met for the first time, the future he was very familiar with everything, but the current Adam was out of the situation and regarded the man in front of him as a stranger. , the conversation can create entertainment effect.

In fact, the adventure of the two did not start quickly, but despite this, the relatively calm drama can maintain a certain point of view, and the characterization of the mother-son relationship is therefore more interesting. This aspect is given a successful interpretation from different angles. As far as the dialogue between the two protagonists is concerned, it is enough to show that Adam can better understand the hard work of his mother as he grows older; , although he couldn’t show his identity and could only talk to his mother in the image of a strange man, the conversation was enough to fully reflect the emotional warmth, and the concealment of his identity did not hinder the successful play of the mother and son’s warm drama.

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

The plot aspect of 12-year-old Adam being bullied by school bullies is now also more entertaining with the appearance of the future Adam. How the two male protagonists cooperate to deal with this situation can be regarded as having certain twists and turns in the development of the plot, which can create a basic dramatic effect. At the same time, the unsmooth aspects of the cooperation process can also become a foreshadowing, creating an interesting effect of echoing in the future.

The confrontation with the villain contains multiple features

The villain’s tracking of Adam in 2055, also coming to the world in 2022, is the key to enabling the adventure to start. Relevant plots make the battle scene a highlight of the movie, and the close-to-hand combat between the male protagonist and the villain’s subordinates has also become more ornamental with the blessing of future technological elements;time travelThe resulting impact has also become the aspect of shaping the visual effect, making the character’s exit method more distinctive.

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

The supporting actress Lola also appeared at this time. Her identities are special for the two Adams, and they play a role in enriching the world view of the movie. The role of Laura itself is not bad, enough to give Adam an extra point in fighting the villain. The battle between them and the villain is also good to watch in terms of scene creation. Through the successful cooperation between the characters and the variables that may be brought about by means of transportation, the confrontation process can be more dramatic.

The air combat elements of fighter planes that have appeared before will become a focus again in the future. Adam and the pilots of the villain are both skilled and ruthless characters, which also allows the air combat drama to show the strength of the strong. In the process, whether it is a fierce chase battle, dealing with high-risk environments, etc., the entertainment of “Super Dimension Adam Project” has been improved. The trend of air combat can better reflect Adam’s creativity and adaptability in 2055, making it more reasonable for the two male protagonists to retreat.

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

Back to 2018 with new highlights

The adventures of the two Adams, which also includes the time travel aspect, will become an important aspect of the story back in 2018, and make meeting with key characters a highlight. The roles Adams want to see have their own particularities, which are closely related to the personal backgrounds of the two, which also makes the rivalry between the three sparkle. The differences of opinion and emotional tension between Adam and the character can be aroused enough to watch and become plastic content under the premise of the character relationship.

This kind of play also sublimates the rivalry of the two Adams, making the mutual influence between the two more full. In the past, this aspect was limited to the future Adam who enlightened the younger and less sensible 12-year-old Adam in the form of an adult. Today, the younger Adam can also play a key role and have a positive impact on the older self. The process is enough to reflect that different age groups and different life experiences may affect people’s values ​​and views on life, which will help improve the gold content of the plot.

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

After the story of “Super Dimension Adam Project” came to the second half, the confrontation between the male protagonist and the villain also became the basis for the final climax. And the villain camp is also under the blessing of time travel, which makes the character face more full than before, which can reflect the negative image of the character.

The ending of the story makes the emotional temperature a bright spot

The plan of the two Adams has naturally become the content of shaping the highlights. The cooperation between the two effectively uses the previous foreshadowing of confronting the campus bullies to add interest to the process; the decision of an important character to intervene has also become a catalyst to enhance the highlights. The process of the war includes changes in the environment, force duels, etc. The key blow that determines the outcome can also use scientific elements to show the creativity of the plot arrangement. As far as the ending of the story is concerned, this film can fully focus on the aspect of emotional temperature. Through the three opposing scenes, the warmth and positive value of interpersonal relationships are jointly promoted, so that the story can be more tender in addition to the fierce confrontation between good and evil. period.

Although the time travel drama is not too new for the story setting, but “The Adam Project” can still show good creativity. Through the cooperation of the male protagonists of different timelines, it creates an excellent viewing experience, science fiction elements, future Elements such as technology and aerial combat can also add color to the film, making this film an excellent work with excellent entertainment. ◇

A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)
A still from “Project Adam”. (provided by Netflix)

Responsible editor: Huang Shanni

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