the alarmist remarks of Michel-Edouard Leclerc

published on Friday, December 09, 2022 at 11:55 am

The president of the strategic committee of the E. Leclerc centers indicated on BFM BusinessFriday, December 9, that strong increases were to be expected on the shelves from January. And with it comes the fear of a recession.

guest of BFM Business Friday, December 9, the president of the strategic committee of the centers E.

Leclerc, Michel-Édouard Leclerc, warned that sharp increases were to be expected in mass distribution. In the context of the trade negotiations in progress with the agro-food manufacturers, he indicated that there would be “no increase less than 10%“, with the exception of mineral water, where the increase would be around 6%.

If the discussions are still in progress and that none of these increases is yet effective, Michel-Edouard Leclerc detailed the height of the demands of the industrialists. “Confectionery is around 26%, salty snacking is around 21%, sweetening sugar […]it’s 48%“, he listed.

“It could be a real recession”

The boss of the Leclerc stores, however, wanted to temper. “Don’t panic, we’re pros, they’re pros too, we’re used to it“, he assured on BFM Business, Each negotiation between manufacturers and large retailers gives rise to this kind of disagreement on prices. But the context of general inflation, particularly in energy prices, complicates the deal this year.

And Michel-Edouard Leclerc to alert: if such increases are verified on the shelves, “we risk having a recession in January-February, because as much at Christmas, we are going to celebrate and we are not going to question ourselves too much, January, February, March, there will be the increases of 2023 which are going to happen. That could be a real recession“.

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