The Almond Diet: An Effective Way to Lose Weight and Improve Health

2023-08-09 00:49:24

Are you looking for a way that suits you to lose weight effectively? Then the almond diet might be something for you. Almonds are a healthy snack for in between: They taste good, are filling and, according to studies, are also a real slimming aid. With the almond diet, you eat a handful (about 30 grams) of almonds throughout the day. Read here how the almond diet works, what you should pay attention to and what happens in your body.

In the clip: Health expert Charlotte Karlinder reveals which nuts are the healthiest

Losing weight with almonds: They reduce appetite

Who does not know it: Especially when we want to lose weight, we are often plagued food cravings. Especially after lunch or in the evening on the couch, we are tempted to reach for greasy or sweet snacks. The better alternative to chips, chocolate and co. are… almonds! But why actually?

The nuts can help you last longer sat to feel by keeping your blood sugar level constant. fiber fill the stomach, leaving less room for other foods. Alternatively, you can also try tigernuts or psyllium husks.

A US study by the University of Purdue found that the body weight of participants who ate almonds daily remained the same compared to a control group who did not eat almonds. This is despite the fact that the people who consumed the almonds consumed around 7,000 more calories in the four-week study. But not only that: They too cholesterol levels of the group improved. Although they ate the same as the control group, except for the additional 60 grams of almonds, the participants could belly fat and reduce waist size. Almonds are a real secret weapon for losing weight.

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Losing weight with almonds: That’s why they’re so healthy

Due to their ingredients, regular consumption of almonds has a positive effect on our health. And that without leading to weight gain.

In a small handful of almonds (about 30 grams) you will find:

3.3 grams of fiber 7.2 grams of protein 7.8 grams of vitamin E 51 milligrams of magnesium 250 milligrams of potassium

But what do these ingredients mean for your body?

Almonds contain fiber, protein, magnesium, calcium, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins E and B. The unsaturated fatty acids lower your cholesterol level. In addition, nuts are among the alkaline foods and can have a balancing effect on acidic foods such as meat, cheese, milk or cereals. Alkaline foods promote intestinal health and stabilize the healthy intestinal flora. The high protein content – around 7 grams per 30 grams of almonds – ensures a long satiety. Did you know that nuts are also ideal as a snack on an empty stomach? You can find out more here: “Eating on an empty stomach: 7 good and 7 forbidden foods”.

Should you add a lot to your almond diet? Sport drive, the protein contained also supports muscle building. The fiber helps keep you full longer and vitamin B boosts your hunger fat metabolism at. The brown almond skin in particular helps to reduce the desire for carbohydrates. But not only that: Almonds are also a real beauty booster. The contained vitamin E tightens the complexion and ensures a radiant complexion.

Almond diet: you have to pay attention to this

An almond diet can help you lose weight and eat healthier. However, it is important that you keep a few things in mind.

Be sure to buy naturalno salted or sweetened almonds to avoid unnecessary additives.

Almonds are not actually a “light” snack: A handful of almonds provide about 170 kilocalories. That’s why you shouldn’t eat more than a handful a day. Also, drink enough to stay hydrated throughout the day and get your digestion going.

Despite the calories they contain, almonds are an ideal snack between meals. Spreading the 30 grams of almonds throughout your day can have a positive effect on your blood sugar levels. The small portions keep your blood sugar levels balanced and prevent food cravings on sweets.

Slim with almonds

Our conclusion: Despite the high number of calories, almonds support weight loss thanks to their optimal nutrient composition. Your metabolism is boosted and the dietary fiber, protein and unsaturated fatty acids it contains prevent food cravings.

A study by scientists from the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington came to the conclusion that almonds can help you lose weight: “If 84 grams of almonds were included in the daily food intake, the overall energy digestibility decreased by 5 percent,” it says in the study. This means that whoever eats almonds automatically takes in fewer calories with food. “Therefore, eating 84 grams of almonds per day instead of easily digestible foods would result in a decreased energy intake of 100-150 calories per day for people with a daily energy intake of between 2,000 and 3,000 calories. As part of a diet, this difference could become a weight loss from more than one half a pound a month lead,” according to the researchers of the study, which was published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Our tip: You can mix almonds into your muesli in the morning, enjoy them as a snack between meals or sprinkle them over a salad – almonds taste good with many things. To lose weight effectively, pay attention to one healthy and balanced diet, move a lot and drink enough water. You can also combine the almond diet with other diets. Also home remedies like Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon water help with weight loss.

Also interesting: lose weight with Charlotte Karlinder’s miracle drink with cayenne pepper, fast, tasty and healthy: 13 healthy snacks for when you’re hungry, 5 morning routines for losing weight, losing weight with watermelon or losing weight with psyllium husks. And losing weight while sitting can also work.

#Consumption #positive #effect #health

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