“The Am Cyanide Case: Revealing the Truth Behind the Murders and Demanding Justice”

2023-04-28 12:41:03

Grandma Nai Dae, her husband, Am Cyanide, revealed that Am threatened a child hired to take the bottle to bury the ground. Tell me when it causes trouble Get out of jail and hit it smoothly. Said he had killed 30 people before. I don’t know if he was telling the truth or joking.

It continues to be in the public interest. In the case of Am Sararat or am cyanide Accused of premeditated murder starting from the incident of Nong Koi’s death at Tha Nam Until another body that the deceased’s relatives believe was killed by the same person Which is linked to 13 deaths (as of April 27, 2023), even the families of the deceased have gradually come out to demand justice through the media.

Latest (April 28, 2023) list of discussions Khun Dae’s grandmother, who died, and Khun Grace, Am’s close friends who had known each other since kindergarten 1, were invited to open up about this matter.

– By Ms. Grace revealed that during the year 2022, Am invited Grace to make merit and eat together. Regarding sharing, Am never said, but had invited Grace to be a loan partner. But Grace didn’t pay. because they regret money and don’t want to lose friends Money doesn’t go in and out.

– Grace has her own horoscope whether she should do business with Am or not. which fortune telling is not good And usually, Am will come to check the horoscope with Grace anyway. Grace replied according to the face of the card. In which question Am did not specify what business. Ammi asked if I took the money from this person, would I get it back? Grace will then ask for your first-surname. But Am would not speak. Which Grace said it was okay, thought about it and answered according to the cards that were issued.

– Grace reveals she didn’t know anything about the murder. I only know about lending money and having a husband as a policeman. I don’t know if they are divorced. And just learned from the news that Ammy has another husband, Khun Dae, who recently passed away.

– Am has brought only one person to see Grace, Captain Nui, and just learned from the news that Captain Nui was one of the deceased. Come face to face with Captain Nui on April 20, 2022, then talk in chat on July 8, 2022 and have a money transfer slip. After that, Grace introduced Captain Nui to make a fortune-giving ceremony to ask for karma. which can be done by yourself You don’t have to meet Grace. And Grace also said that if it passes these 3 months, life will be better But then, not long ago, around August Captain Nui lost.

– Grace reveals that Am has horoscopes about 5-6 times. There are many doubtful questions, such as if the money from this person will be successful, will the lawsuit that is conscientious win the case? Ask about her husband. whether to be promoted or moved At that time, Grace didn’t care about anything.

– Khun Dae’s grandmother revealed about the 2 children who were hired by Am to take the bottles to bury the ground, confirming that both children did not know what the bottle was. Until Am asked the kid to dig and said he would give 10,000 baht, but the kid took it to the police instead. Then the child who buried the bottle called a friend, who called to tell Grandma.

– Grandma also revealed that Am had threatened the child. If it makes Am suffer when? Get out of jail and hit it smoothly. Another child said Am said he had killed 30 people before, but was joking or telling the truth, Grandma didn’t know, but the kid didn’t talk to Grandma alone. At that time, the house was full of police who were also bringing evidence.


Thank you information from list of discussions

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