The annual budget for French health costs is up 75%

Published on April 12, 2023 at 12:52 p.m.

news/le-budget-annuel-des-frais-de-sante-des-francais-est-en-hausse-de-75-4122261/98746022-1-fre-FR/Le-budget-annuel-des-frais-de-sante-des-Francais-est-en-hausse-de-75.jpg 80w, 160w, 320w, 480w, 640w, 960w, 1280w" sizes="(min-width: 62em) 40em, 100vw">

39% of young people aged 18 to 24 say they have difficulty paying for their care. – ©iStock/skynesher

The French are spending more and more money to maintain their health, according to a study conducted by Cofidis published on Wednesday April 12. Their budget has gone from 715 in 2017 to 1,249 euros in 2023.

The annual sum dedicated to health costs has increased by 75% in five years, from 715 euros to 1,249 euros, or around 534 euros more, according to a Cofidis study. This is explained by the fact that the French are more and more concerned about their health and that the rest to be borne has progressed. “We are seeing a significant increase in health spending, a sign both of the priority given by the French to health, but also of theimpact of inflation “, explains Mathieu Escarpit, Marketing Director at Cofidis.

A quarter of French people say they are “tightening their belts”

The increase in the remainder to be paid, the sum that remains to be paid after the various reimbursements, is estimated at 288 euros per year, according to the study, i.e. 50 euros more than in 2017. If 83% of French people questioned declare having been able to afford health care last year, a quarter of them admit having to “tighten their belts”.

26% of people who have difficulty paying their health costs are households with dependent children. Young people aged 18 to 24 are also affected by the consequences of inflation in terms of health, since 39% of them say they have difficulty paying for their care.

Forgoing dental care

Dental and optics are the areas where the remaining charge is the highest, according to the study. This pushes 52% of people questioned to give up dental care, among them 60% of those over 50 years old. But these renunciations can also be explained by reasons of accessibility or medical desertification.

30% of respondents have difficulty finding an appointment. In addition, 26% of French people have completely given up seeking treatment during the last twelve months. At the same time, 44% of respondents seek to reduce their health costs. Remember that a study published in January 2023 and conducted by Cofidis showed that health was considered the third most important item of expenditure, after food and energy.

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