The Backpacker on the road to the Scandibérique

2023-05-03 15:10:03

No less than two topoguides were needed to cover the 1,700 km of La Scandibérique, the longest cycle route in France between Maubeuge (North) and Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (Basque Country). Released in bookstores this May 3, the first part of the Routard à vélo devoted to the route focuses on its southern part.

The Backpacker on the road to Scandibérique 1
La Scandibérique is the French part of EuroVélo 3 which connects Norway to Spain. ©Pixabay

From the Loire Valley to the Basque Country via the beautiful and bubbling Bordeaux, the southern part of La Scandibérique totals 900 km of routes alternately rural or steeped in history, always epicurean. The breakaway presented by the Routard is divided into six itineraries punctuated by Tours, Châtellerault, Angoulême, Bordeaux, Mont-de-Marsan, Dax, Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and the Estérençuby Valley.

In all, 48 stages are rigorously mapped and commented on to avoid errors and disappointments on the ground. And of course, the 50-year-old guide lives up to his reputation: he has, as usual, unearthed the best places to stay, pack a picnic, eat and rent his bike. The traveling reader also benefits from valuable advice on how to be prepared and well equipped.

Traveled solo or with others, for a few days or a few weeks, the Scandibérique is sometimes introspective, sometimes initiatory. Between encounters and contemplation, large spaces and dynamic cities, a precious parenthesis opens up for cyclo-adventurers in search of meaning and regained time.

The Backpacker on the road to the Scandibérique 2

“The Backpacker by bike: La Scandibérique – Southern part: from the Loire Valley to the Basque Country via Bordeaux”

208 pages – 16 euros.
Editions Hachette Tourism.

#Backpacker #road #Scandibérique

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