The Bauer sucht Frau Reunion: Drama, Tension, and Unresolved Issues

2024-01-11 05:18:00

At the big reunion after the “Bauer sucht Frau” farm weeks in Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer, there is traditionally not a dry eye in the house: there is celebration, crying, laughter, ideally we part on good terms, or there are even couples there.

Not so with the Murtal candidate in the 20th season of the series: Many people didn’t understand dairy farmer Peter – least of all his ladies-in-waiting. The reunion between him and Luci, who had left of her own accord, is also rather frosty: for him it is “nothing special” to see the woman again who he once asked if she could imagine him as a partner. One waits eagerly to see how presenter Arabella Kiesbauer, who will mediate during the review of the Hofwoche, will take the route over these burnt bridges.

No trace of joy at seeing each other again

Only two of three former ladies-in-waiting traveled to the debate: Kinga is unable to attend due to illness. Luci asks Ineta whether she is looking forward to the debate. “What has to be done, has to be done,” is the answer. Peter only spoke to her on the phone after the end of the farm week – even though the two of them had already reached the “nightly picnic with torches” status. “He was mean, that’s why I’m not in the mood for Peter,” says Ineta. Will she remain calm and collected? “Of course not,” she blurts out.

When the two enter the room and Luci sits down next to Peter, Arabella detects a “tense situation”. “We weren’t together and aren’t together,” Luci says firmly. “It is demanding, turbulent and shows where things should move forward,” says Peter, explaining why it didn’t work out for him. “He didn’t make any effort,” is how Ineta describes her view of things.

The review of the farm week seems to be uncomfortable for everyone at times – Ineta grimaces, as does Luci, and the self-confident Peter also shifts around on the couch when we see the flashback with Luci and him at the perch. “Did you get your hopes up?” asks Arabella. Luci wasn’t sure – in her opinion, Ineta would have been a better match for Peter and the two would have spent more time together.

“He’s like a hard-boiled egg.”

If it was so clear, then why did Peter give Luci a rose and kiss her? Arabella wants to know that too. Peter grins. “He enjoys his attention,” Ineta says flippantly and pats Peter’s arm mockingly. He liked Luci so much, he says almost apologetically. Ineta is the horned one – “I think you, Peter, are right, really wrong. You know why,” she says. “What happened?” Luci also wants to know. Ineta takes a deep breath. “I kicked you out of my room twice,” she drops the bombshell. What he wanted from her and what she didn’t grant him was left to the imagination. “That’s not true,” Peter counters. “He’s lying,” says Ineta. Was he driving on two tracks? He says no again. Ineta also asserts that nothing happened between her and Peter. He was put in the worst possible light, says Peter, whereupon Ineta shuts him down with the words “calm down.” “He’s a callous, cold person, like a hard-boiled egg,” she says. Peter also agrees that nothing came of his part after the farm week – Ineta was simply too temperamental for him.

#Farmer #wife #Exchange #blows #Arabella #Peter #rid #fat

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