The Benefits of Daytime Napping for Improved Brain Health and Focus

2023-06-02 18:35:18

Follow-up – Ali Mualla:

Sleeping during the day, or what is called a nap, which means sleeping for a short period during the middle of the day, is a way to supply the body with energy and restore activity and focus, and according to a study that there is a link between naps and brain health.

Where the Russian sleep specialist Alexei Katishev emphasized that daytime sleep is very necessary, especially for workers in various jobs, because naps help reload the brain.

The scientist stressed that sleeping during the day is necessary, because the pace of modern life does not allow people to get enough sleep at night.

Sleep is necessary for those who work in fields that require mental effort and creativity. In this case, sleeping during the day is a rest for the body, improves the process of absorbing information, and raises the productivity of the brain.

The specialist said, explaining: “The effectiveness of daytime sleep is achieved when its duration does not exceed one hour, and the best is between 20 to 40 minutes. For this reason, it is recommended to have a cup of coffee, because the effect of caffeine begins 20 to 30 minutes after drinking it.”

#napping #brain

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