The Benefits of Eating Fruits on an Empty Stomach: Expert Opinions and Recommendations

2023-10-30 00:08:00
Eating fruits has many health benefits. (IA Infobae)

Fruit consumption helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, kidney failure, diabetes, obesity, increased blood pressure and some types of cancer. However, for some there is a big question about their consumption: is it good to eat them on an empty stomach? Various studies and specialists expressed their point of view to respond to this query.

The American Heart Association (AHA) noted that these food products provide nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and antioxidants. “They tend to be low in calories, so they help control weight while making you feel full thanks to the fiber and water they contain,” he added. Being that people should consume at least 400 grams of fruits (that is, five servings), according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). What the experts say

A investigation from Nutrients magazine postulates the “meal sequence” to improve people’s health. That is, it recommends that starting the day with foods rich in fiber and water, such as fruits and vegetables, before proteins or carbohydrates could help increase feelings of satisfaction. While, from the Mira Cueto Clinic, a Spanish health center, they indicated on their website that it is advisable to consume fruit at breakfast (start of the day), due to “its great contribution in vitamins, fiber, draining and antioxidant effects.” that has”.

The consumption of fruits is beneficial for health (IA Infobae)

In addition, they recommend that “the ideal is to take the whole fruit. A piece of fruit in the morning is much better than juice. With juice what we do is abuse sugars.” In this regard, Nayla Bustamante Morales, a Peruvian professor of Nutrition, pointed out that it is okay to consume these products on an empty stomach, however, they should be complemented with other foods such as toast or nuts.

“You can consume fruits on an empty stomach, but that’s not the only thing you’re going to eat. You should continue consuming the rest of your foods because they provide you with other benefits. An apple or a papaya can be options for breakfast, but at the same time I recommend consuming, for example, cereals so that they are excellent complements. “This way, you will have a balanced meal,” he declared for Infobae.

The specialist recommended that the combination of different foods produces a complete and healthy breakfast. “One tip is to consume a product rich in protein (egg, chicken or tuna), another that has a lot of fiber (fruits or vegetables) and also add carbohydrates (bread or toast),” she explained. “Not only are you going to have the fruit in your stomach all day. That’s not what it’s about either,” he stressed.

Fruits are rich in fiber and nutrients, which is why they contribute to people’s health (IA Infobae)

The Nutrition teacher also provided a recommendation: “It must be emphasized that you should always vary foods. One day it can be meat and the next day it can be fish. In the same way, in fruit possibilities you will find papaya or also a melon.”

According to Peruvian nutritionist Ketty Morales Rosales, the fruit can be eaten at any time of the day, although there are some exceptions. “There are three fruits in the course of 24 hours. The recommendation is one at breakfast, the other in the middle of the morning or later in the afternoon,” she explained to Infobae.

“If my patient is overweight or obese, I would not give him fruit at night because it contains fructose and the amount of glucose in the blood increases and at the latest it would be at 6 in the afternoon,” he added.

For her part, Professor Nayla Bustamante recommended that it is best to avoid fruits at night for some people. “Banana and apple can cause inflammation in the stomach, so it is not recommended only for certain patients who suffer from gas,” she stressed.

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